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Kassadin is just really anoying. A good Kassadin will just outtrade you on lane and outscale you, because of his Passive and Q. You will also get camped by Enemy Jng for sure, so just try to Play Save and let him push, so u can kill him with your Jng.
A good Ziggs will just outpoke, outfarm and outscale you. Just ban.
I would say aatrox is even in, u can just kill him on lane pretty Easy if you dodge his Q with your mobility.
Ahri is Akali favored pre6 just dodge her charm and u have free trade.
Post6 try to hit your E even if she use R, otherwise bait out R and E after she has no mobility, if u hit E, u won.
Anivia is actually like Ziggs or something. Anivia can just Q you, if you use E on her, because you fly in a straight line onto her. Bait and dodge her Q and Engage after.
Annie is really anoying tho. Lucky i see never an Annie in my Games. Fight her with 0-1 Stacks otherwise just let her Zone you.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion sol is so easy for Akali. Just dont let him hit his Q.
Pre 6 he pokes you out and post 6 you cant engage with his R up. Start DShield and bait out his R before you engage.
You never see a Brand mid, do you know why? Because he is bad. You outscale.
Cassiopeia would be my way to ban, if she comes Meta again. She counter every Part of Akali. DShield+2nd Wind.
Corki is like a Counter to akali because of his Teamfight and Scaling, his Q even makes u visible in your W.
I personally dont like this matchup, because of her W shield, her burst and her DPS. Just wait post 6 and dodge her R with E/R.
Dont need to say anything. Dont let him hit his Q twice and dodge W.
A good Fizz can be really strong, but you outscale him. Just dont fight with his R up and try to dodge R.
Everyone says its a big counter, but i dont think so. Just dont overextend on lane and go scale.
Camille is right now REALLY OP! Ban her, if on Top.
You can abuse him early. Zone him from farm, so he cant use Passive.
Dont fight Lvl 1 and Dodge Q with your E.
Dr. Mundo
Also a really anoying Matchup in Top, my Favorite ban, if Camille wouldnt be this OP! dodge Q and kill him lvl 6 with Ignite.
You can outplay her with W and just aware, if she is good, she tries to W your R.
Really anoying lvl 1-2, but you kill him post 6 all the Time.
Q him if he tries to Q you, if you misplayed, dodge Q with your E, kill him pre6 and snowball.
E him as Mini Gnar and you win, dont fight with Mega Gnar.
You just hard counter her entire Kit with your mobility.
Aware of her Level 2 and you basically won the Lane. You can kill her always with your Ultimate if she is not insane Feed. Dodge E!
Level 1 dont let him hit his E on you. Just try to wait level 3 and kite the fuck out of him. Level 6 you can engage and just wait for his R to run out or burst him down.
Katarina is really strong right now. So just harass her in early game, so u get a lead. Level 6 keep your E to get out of her R and re-engage. You can outplay her, if you are good, but its the same for her.
I dont like this Matchup, because Akali is not strong Level 1-5, if the Enemy dont get really greedy. A good Kayle will just wait until level 6 and outscale you. Anyways you are always are an Assasin.
Try to dodge her W on lane and outscale her. stay behind your Minions, so she cant hit E. If she Q you, go out of your Minions.
Lee Sin
Dont fight him in early, he is like one of the strongest Early champs in the game. dodge his Q and kite him with your W. Since his E got nerved, you can push the Wave and go roam, because you can never Kill a good Lee Sin on lane.
Lux is really Easy, just dodge her Q and dont let her poke you out of Lane. If you hit E and she has no Q up, you can all in her. Post 6 she is always dead if she comes to close.
Malzahar is not a hard matchup on Lane, just fight him after he use Q, if you hit E on Spellshield, u can dash anyways and all in him. Aware Late game of face checking bushes.
A good Lucian will just Harass you so fuckin hard, Start Dorans Shield and go 2nd Wind in runes. Try to hit 6 without dying and you won the Matchup. Ask for Jungle help.
Mordekaiser is a easy/even matchup, because you can dodge all of his abilities with your high mobility. Dont let him stack his Passive and kite him with shroud. If he R you, just R over him if he Q you and stall the time.
Start D-Shied because of his Early poke with Q and Comet. E his R and you can kill him.
You cant kill a good Orianna in Lane. Dont stay in your wave, so she can push and poke at the same time. Ask for Jungle help, if she push you in.
Try to stay out of your wave so he cant push and poke at the same time, bait out his spellshield and engage him after. Wait out his fear with your W if he tries to fear you. ALWAYS PING MISSING
Really rough matchup. Let him Zone you from CS and just try to survive lane. you can E if he dash on you with W, so you can re-engage after he used everything.
If he Q E you, just E him, so he dont hit you, but you can Re-engage. Later on you cant kill him, because he is just sooo Tanky. Try to roam.
Its actually unplayable, she just outtrade you because of her passive, you cant burst her, because she is a Tank and you cant dash away or engage her, because of her W.
You have to wait for your Seekers armguard to fight him. He is just stronger then you in early, especially because of his passive. Dodge his Q and try to get CS with Q.
He is really strong early on but he cant stun you if you just W. So if you see him Dash, use W and kite him in your shroud. After he used E he has no mobility. Never waste your E!
Take Bone plating in runes, so she cant burst you in early. you both scale really well, so its actually just a skill matchup. If you see her engage, you have to react really fast with E so u dont get stunned. try to get 6 before she gets and kill her.
His poke is really strong so take D-Shield and 2nd Wind in runes. E out of his Q, if he use and just try to outplay him with your E,W and R.
You have to burst him, because he just out DPS you.
Dont fight him level 1-2, because he has range advantage. Level 3-18 you can just engage him with Q slow and E and kite him with your W , because he need to hit Q and E you. Level 6 you can kill him easy.
Another matchup where u can just farm. Try to keep your E up, so you can dodge his W True damage after a trade. post 6 you CAN kill him with your mobility, if you are not behind.
Just dont go melee range if he has Q or E up. dodge his E with yours and hit your E if he tries to R away, so u have a free TP.
he is obviously trolling.
Another Tank you cant kill. Try to farm and roam or help your Jungle. Early you can trade him really hard, so you get TP advantage to help your Team.
Sylas is actually just a free matchup. Dodge his E in your shroud and you have a free trade. All in him after he used W. Just aware of his Level 6, because its the same strength then yours. Buy antiheal early.
Its just a Matchup where you have to dodge and she has to hit. Thats all.
Also after she used E, you can try to fight her, if she dont play to passive after her E.
Dont fight him level 1/2, because of his Powerspike with his Passive. It just outdamage you all the time. Try to bait his, so you just get hit once by it. Post 6 if it comes to an all in, just try to R E him fast, so u have ur E on him if he uses R.
wait until he gets greedy, so you can hit E. You can ALWAYS follow on your E, if you hit, its always a good trade for you, even if he blinds you mid air.
If you dont hit E, just wait Level 6 and run him down. Just kill him.
Your E is Key in this matchup.
The lane is really anoying, just farm and trade him level 3-5. If he use R, just try to kite him with Q, E, W and your R. You have so much kite potential. If his R is close to running out, use E on him, so you can follow, if he runs away. E or W if he E on you.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate has a really good gank setup with his yellow card, so you always have to know where the Enemy jungle is right now. Level 6 you can just all in him after he use W.
He is nothing without a jungler or without his W.
Urgot is really strong in early game. Just dodge his E with yours and dont trade him. He always outtrades you pre 6 and post level 9, if you dont hard outplay him.
A good Veigar can be really strong. He can just stay out of your Q/E range and farm or poke you out. If he use E, you have to do everything to get a trade on him. DONT E IF HE HAS HIS E UP!!
You cant kill him, because of his range, in most cases, but in this matchup goes everything around dodging and baiting. He will try to push you in and harass you, so ask for Jungle help. Start D-Shield(if you are Plat or higher)
Another matchup like Orianna. His W is his only selfpeel so if he use his W, you can look for a trade and get him low. Dont let him push you in, after his Item/Passive spike.
I played a few times against Vlad and maybe he just played bad, but i really stomped him out of the game, like 10/0 or smt. In my opinnion its really really easy. Dont let him hit his Empowered Q and you can engage if he runs on you with E.
If he runs on you with Q, just W and he cant hit. If he use E, dash out with E and go in after he ran out. Dont let him stack W.
Skill Matchup. Try to hit your E before he use , so you get a good trade on him. Just please dont get baited by his clone.If he E you, W , so you can trade and kite him.
You cant kill him, because of his range, in most cases, but in this matchup goes everything around dodging and baiting. He will try to push you in and harass you, so ask for Jungle help. Start D-Shield(if you are Plat or higher)
Skill matchup. Dont play it, if you are not confident on Akali. Yasuo has so much Playmaking potential. Dodge his E Q(Whirlwind) combo with your E and W if he Tornado you, so he cant R(he need to see you to R you).
Its like Yasuo, just in meta. He has a stronger all in, you cant hit your E on him, if he has his empowered Q up. You have to dodge his Q and R, to win a trade. Dont fight if he is in his E form.
The lane is actually not playable, after he has Sheen. He just push you in the entire game and destroy your Turret, and you cant do anything against it. Dodge his E with your E and engage him after. You are stronger in Teamfights.
Rush Zhonyas first Item. Dodge his Q is Key in this Matchup. You can Zhonyas in flight of your E, so u dont lose Time to fight.
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