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Recommended Items
Runes: on-hit runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
ye, just flash
Ability Order Max q
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
I hate her.
Very good synergy.
Very good synergy.
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hello, I am Shymi, Master Yi OTP (on all accounts I have over 1,5 milion mastery points), who wants to teach you how to play Yi in season 14. I was the best Yi world for some time (according to League of graphs). If you have any questions ask me on my twitch chat when I stream(streaming a lot right now). My opgg : https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Shymyi and my EUW accounts: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=jungler+z+easta https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=eat+an+orange
Stream and Youtube
You can watch my gameplay and ask some questions on https://www.twitch.tv/shymi1 .
And my Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafyoMh7EpkQLoXZGwE006A
Is Yi a hard champ?
Most asked question to me is "Is Yi a hard champ". My answer is: This is a champion
"Easy to play, hard to master" because for example you do 1 bad "q" in teamfight then you will die. Good Yi have to know all limits of this champ too.
I recommend practicing meditate reset with your "w" . This is so helpful in your gameplay. This is hard too to do it very quickly. You can do it too when farming jungle camps
"Easy to play, hard to master" because for example you do 1 bad "q" in teamfight then you will die. Good Yi have to know all limits of this champ too.
I recommend practicing meditate reset with your "w" . This is so helpful in your gameplay. This is hard too to do it very quickly. You can do it too when farming jungle camps
On-hit vs crit/lethality
On-hit most games (tanks, lot of cc, no champ to oneshot), crit/lethality into squishy champs(mostly ranges).
I feel like it depends on your playstyle. You can go on-hit every game and be sucessfull with it, but sometimes when enemies are squishy and you know you will stomp them just go crit or lethlity build to end game faster.
I feel like it depends on your playstyle. You can go on-hit every game and be sucessfull with it, but sometimes when enemies are squishy and you know you will stomp them just go crit or lethlity build to end game faster.
Typical clear in jungle
My typical clear in jungle is red>krugs>raptors>gank mid/wolfs>blue>gromp>scutller>gank top/back to base/go for double scutller (if enemy jg didn't).
Some tips:
- On first camp(blue or red) use plant in 1:27 to get 1 stack of your passive.
- You have to smite big krug and gromp when clearing jungle.
- You have to auto and then q when farming jungle camps.
- Don't use your e on wolfs, just auto big wolf then q some autos then q second time
- Yi can easily do jungle without any leash, but always ping for leash anyway(I meab in lower elos).
- When you are doing Drake auto and then q to dodge drakes wake up
- Dodge Baron "skillshots" by your q.
- Use your meditate reset with your "w" on jungle camps when you have it.
- You can kill scuttler with fast q-smite-aa combo in early.
- Try to use your e when double strike(passive) is ready.
Some tips:
- On first camp(blue or red) use plant in 1:27 to get 1 stack of your passive.
- You have to smite big krug and gromp when clearing jungle.
- You have to auto and then q when farming jungle camps.
- Don't use your e on wolfs, just auto big wolf then q some autos then q second time
- Yi can easily do jungle without any leash, but always ping for leash anyway(I meab in lower elos).
- When you are doing Drake auto and then q to dodge drakes wake up
- Dodge Baron "skillshots" by your q.
- Use your meditate reset with your "w" on jungle camps when you have it.
- You can kill scuttler with fast q-smite-aa combo in early.
- Try to use your e when double strike(passive) is ready.
Can Yi do solo baron in s14?
Yes, you can do solo baron if you go on-hit build. You need 3 items to deal with baron . Also you need sustain, so botrk is must-have. If you want do solo baron with crit/lethality build you need full build.
Yi mid
I played a lot of Yi mid and I can tell you that it's very good if you learn how to play him. Just play some games and learn it! I prefer to ban LeBlanc or Akali. Also prefer oneshot builds on mid
Yi top
I played Yi top also and want to say that he is so strong on top this season because of meta and less gank potential by enemy jungler. Use my build to optimize your gameplay. GL!
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