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Choose Champion Build:
The Malphite Sup Build
Recommended Items
Runes: Basically the only runes you should go
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Most common
Ability Order Always max in this order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
My perma ban because this guy's poke is annoying as fuque
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol My Beloved 😍😍😍
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol My Beloved 😍😍😍
Champion Build Guide
The Legacy
Aurelion Sol (IndianAttackHelicopter)
Wins: 8 (Highest winstreak: 8)
Loss: 1
- 21 May 2024
Wins: 8 (Highest winstreak: 8)
Loss: 1
- 21 May 2024
How to win:
option 1: bush cheese if you notice the bot duo is weak early
option 2: leash :(
First few waves:
- Play around malphite passive. It blocks ~1 autos worth of damage from ADC so whenever P + Q is up, walk up to Q the ADC every 8 seconds (Passive regen time)
- If you hit the ADC enough, they should back soon enough.
When ADC backs:
- Shove. this should be really easy given you're laning with ASol
- When the waves meet in the middle of lane, you can get to zoning (hopefully you will have a component or 2 to help you here)
- Zone ADC off minions - weave Q's in and play around the furthest brush to safely regen your passive whilst still pressuring the enemy ADC.
- Can go for short roams, but zoning will be more effective as it limits the ADC AND Support gold/XP
- Don't underestimate Malphite + ASol ult combo. You can legit 100 to 0.
Post-Laning Phase
- Don't leave ASol alone. Malphite R -> ASol R is too powerful and can legit just win 80% of skirmishes.
- Once T1 Tower is dead, you can start baiting the enemy team by sending ASol to solo push the T2 while you hover in the brush nearby.
Summary to winning lane:
- Poke ADC with Q when Passive is up
- Shove when ADC backs
- Zone ADC off waves while ASol last hits
- Protect ASol
option 1: bush cheese if you notice the bot duo is weak early
option 2: leash :(
First few waves:
- Play around malphite passive. It blocks ~1 autos worth of damage from ADC so whenever P + Q is up, walk up to Q the ADC every 8 seconds (Passive regen time)
- If you hit the ADC enough, they should back soon enough.
When ADC backs:
- Shove. this should be really easy given you're laning with ASol
- When the waves meet in the middle of lane, you can get to zoning (hopefully you will have a component or 2 to help you here)
- Zone ADC off minions - weave Q's in and play around the furthest brush to safely regen your passive whilst still pressuring the enemy ADC.
- Can go for short roams, but zoning will be more effective as it limits the ADC AND Support gold/XP
- Don't underestimate Malphite + ASol ult combo. You can legit 100 to 0.
Post-Laning Phase
- Don't leave ASol alone. Malphite R -> ASol R is too powerful and can legit just win 80% of skirmishes.
- Once T1 Tower is dead, you can start baiting the enemy team by sending ASol to solo push the T2 while you hover in the brush nearby.
Summary to winning lane:
- Poke ADC with Q when Passive is up
- Shove when ADC backs
- Zone ADC off waves while ASol last hits
- Protect ASol
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