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Blitzcrank is a threat for anyone with low mobility, while Pyke has tons, his ADC will most likely not making it hard for Pyke to peel and will end up being Eliminated
Much like Leona, Nautilus has a combination of Roots, Knock Ups & Slows but Nautilus' Damage is far higher than Leona's is with his high AP scaling & W
Lux is nearly a direct counter to Pyke, the Root screws over Pyke and can be followed up by any of Lux's other abilities for high burst Damage. Even Lux's Q can reveal Pyke's location
Morgana's ability to land painfully long roots is quite easy. Roots are the bane of Pyke's existence. Without a fed Enemy ADC, Pyke should be able to escape with at least 50% Health
When playing against Zyra, dedicate your time to wilting her plants otherwise these become blockades to Pyke's Q & be on the search for Zyra's Root
Leona's damage doesn't make her an extreme threat, however her Root, & 2 Stuns are more than capable to kill Pyke while Leona has another ally nearby
Senna & Pyke are quite balanced towards each other. If any were to gain the edge in battle, they would win. Senna's Damage & Sustain is enough to kill an off-guard Pyke
Janna is more of a nuisance to Pyke than a threat. Her long distance knock-up & passive scaling Move Speed is more than enough to throw any Pyke off their feet and miss Q's
Swain's only major function is his E, staying out of his range or really close to your minions makes him a really low threat
Much like Swain, Thresh's effectiveness comes from his hook, but as it's slower than Swain's a simple use of a high-moving W or E can do the trick
Most Ashe & Pyke's are capable of grabbing kills or taking flashes at Level 1. Land a single good hook from a bush and Ashe will apply those dreaded consistent slows
If ever encountering a Kalista main, you're already locking in for a Victory. Landing a Q allows Kalista to chase them down and in case her E doesn't kille them, Pyke's E & R will
Tristana has great all-in potential, you can already guarantee that they will W in as soon as you land a hook so that they will rip the Enemy apart with Q, E & R
Twitch is a strong choice with Pyke, you can rule over Bottom Lane with just the element of fear. If the Enemy laners try and push, your duo will be there to apply all kinds of pain
Jhin is capable of placing Mines at River Bush to help peel for himself, additionally a Jhin's Q follows up well with a Hook and Pyke can then follow into a Stun to keep them CC'd for a while
Kai'Sa is built around engaging on all-ins and with Pyke around it'll be hell for the opposing team to deal with. Although Kai'Sa's R will make is nearly impossible for Pyke to help her
While overall a Jhin & Kai'Sa combined, Jinx is most efficient at poking & chasing low-health Enemy. Not a bad pick, but could be better
Most Ashe & Pyke's are capable of grabbing kills or taking flashes at Level 1. Land a single good hook from a bush and Ashe will apply those dreaded consistent slows
If ever encountering a Kalista main, you're already locking in for a Victory. Landing a Q allows Kalista to chase them down and in case her E doesn't kille them, Pyke's E & R will
Tristana has great all-in potential, you can already guarantee that they will W in as soon as you land a hook so that they will rip the Enemy apart with Q, E & R
Twitch is a strong choice with Pyke, you can rule over Bottom Lane with just the element of fear. If the Enemy laners try and push, your duo will be there to apply all kinds of pain
Jhin is capable of placing Mines at River Bush to help peel for himself, additionally a Jhin's Q follows up well with a Hook and Pyke can then follow into a Stun to keep them CC'd for a while
Kai'Sa is built around engaging on all-ins and with Pyke around it'll be hell for the opposing team to deal with. Although Kai'Sa's R will make is nearly impossible for Pyke to help her
While overall a Jhin & Kai'Sa combined, Jinx is most efficient at poking & chasing low-health Enemy. Not a bad pick, but could be better
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