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Vayne General Guide by BestVayneNA

ADC The Final Hour

ADC The Final Hour

Updated on January 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BestVayneNA Build Guide By BestVayneNA 2,877 Views 3 Comments
2,877 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BestVayneNA Vayne Build Guide By BestVayneNA Updated on January 25, 2013
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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Starting Items

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Early Game

Item Sequence

Doran's Blade 450
Doran's Blade 450
Vampiric Scepter 900
Avarice Blade 800
Mid Game

Item Sequence

Bloodthirster 3400
Phantom Dancer 2650
Executioner's Calling 800
Late Game

Item Sequence

Bloodthirster 3400
Phantom Dancer 2650
Executioner's Calling 800
Chain Vest 800
Frozen Mallet 3100
The Final Hour

Item Sequence

Bloodthirster 3400
Phantom Dancer 2650
Executioner's Calling 800
Frozen Mallet 3100
Aegis of the Legion 1100
Runaan's Hurricane 2650
Guardian Angel 3200
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Item Summary

These items are not only for achieving an early kill, but having the early damage needed to sustain in lane. The Long sword allows you to have extra damage early to pull ahead in CS against your opposing ADC. Some items chosen are situational based on what your opposing team is relying on for damage; the chain vest gives you extra armor against physical damage, while the Aegis of the Legion and Guardian Angel gives you magic resist against AP casters. If you are having trouble with the AP mid ganking your bot lane constantly, I recommend rushing the Aegis of the Legion rather than getting the chain vest. I do however, urge you to buy the chain vest later.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Night Hunter is Vayne's passive ability. She gains 30 movement speed when near an enemy champion

Tumble Moves Vayne Wherever your curser is. The next shot vayne fires will do bonus damage. The Bonus damage acquired after using tumble stacks very well with her [W] Move: Silver Bolts.

Silver bolts is a secondary passive vayne has. When shooting a minion, champion, or neutral monster, a silver "ring" will appear around them. These "rings" can stack up to three times and when the third bolt hits, the damage is a percentage of the target's current health in the form of true damage. As I said earlier, Tumble stacks very well with this move: Using tumble and then hitting the third consecutive shot on the same target will result in a massive amount of bonus damage.

Condemn is a very good escape ability. With the condemn ability, Vayne fires a large bolt at the target causing them to be shot backwards. When shot with condemn near a wall, the enemy is hit into the wall and stunned for a period of time.

Activating Final Hour gives Vayne increased attack damage and triple the movement speed from Night Hunter. This ability is also very good for escaping: Using Tumble while having Final Hour active gives you invisibility for 1 second. This is good for escaping into the fog of war or even some brush. Don't use this move sparingly, the cooldown is not that high and in team fights this ability has a very strong presence.
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Counters To Vayne

Below are Some Counters to Vayne

Graves has a lot of damage early game, but using the item build above should hopefully pull you ahead in CS. To beat Graves with Vayne you simply need to outplay him.

Taric's stun is the same range as Vayne's basic attacks. Trying to get CS is theoretically impossible without taking damage from taric's stun and the opposing ADC.

Kogmaaw's slow is in a long line. using tumble to get out of this won't save your life if hit by the slow. You will be slowed the same amount if hit standing. Kogmaw's R move has massive range and can hit you mostly everywhere.

Ezreal has the combo to outplay most ADC's. When he arcane shifts towards you, I recommend using Condemn to stun him against a wall or just simply to get him away from you.
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Champions Vayne is Strong Against

Chogath's knock up can easily be dodged by tumbling away.

Varus' arrow also can be dodged by tumble, but he just can't produce as much damage as Vayne does. He will most likely lose the bot lane versus Vayne.

If you don't follow singed with Vayne and get slowly killed by his poison, using condemn and having your team destroy him works very well.

Similar to Varus, ashe just does not have the sustain, damage, or survivability to defeat Vayne in the bot lane.
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Supports With Vayne

My Favorite Supports

Nunu's blood Boil gives the ally increased movement and attack speeds. Blood Boil with Phantom Dancer and Berserker's Greaves is unbeatable.

Taric's stun allows for great poke and early damage on your opponent.

Alistar has a knock back and a hit up. Alistar's knock back plus Vayne's knock back equals a not so happy opposing ADC. The Ice Blast is also a very good way to slow your enemy and get some poke onto them.
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