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Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Now, I don't see a lot of Fiora's in game, and I don't know why. Lets check out her skill set.
Does she have a gap-closer? Lunge. Check.
Does she have an escape mechanism? Burst of Speed and Lunge. Check.
Does she have an ability-buff? Riposte and Burst of Speed. Check.
Does she have a good farming ability? Lunge. Check.
Fiora has just about everything a solo-top champion needs! And that's whats great about her. If you get her fed early, she is a monster late game. This guide is more focused toward early game domination and trying to get that first kill of the game (first blood). I hope you learn from this guide and it helps you play Fiora better!
Greater Mark of Attack Damage
I use this because more AD on Fiora early game is great for getting kills early on.
Greater Seal of Armor
I use this because Armor on an AD is great for defending against early harass especially for a melee AD.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
I use this because of the same reason for Armor on an AD, except that if you face a hybrid like Akali that has magic damage, this will prevent that also.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
I use this because my build is also great with a little Attack Speed in it so you can do just that more damage in a smaller amount of time.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
I use this for the same reason I use my Marks, more AD = more kills!
I use this because more AD on Fiora early game is great for getting kills early on.
Greater Seal of Armor
I use this because Armor on an AD is great for defending against early harass especially for a melee AD.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
I use this because of the same reason for Armor on an AD, except that if you face a hybrid like Akali that has magic damage, this will prevent that also.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
I use this because my build is also great with a little Attack Speed in it so you can do just that more damage in a smaller amount of time.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
I use this for the same reason I use my Marks, more AD = more kills!
Boots Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion
I use Boots + 3 Pots because of the extra Movement Speed and survivability of the Health Potions is hard to beat on an AD like Fiora.
Doran's Blade Doran's Blade
I use Double Doran's Blades because of the extra Damage, Life Steal, and Health are always appreciated.
Berserker's Greaves
The next item I get is I upgrade my Boots and buy basically extra Attack Speed and more Movement Speed!
B. F. Sword Infinity Edge
Next, I buy a B.F. Sword and later upgrade that into an Infinity Edge for Crit Chance, and once you get the chance for Crits, why not make it so that they do more damage? And that is exactly one the IF does. I believe that all AD champions should have this item.
Sheen Phage Trinity Force
I then buy a Sheen, and then a Phage, and then turn those two Items into a Trinity Force. The Trinity Force provides +30 in just about every stat including AD and Attack Speed, which is exactly what we want! In addition the Trinity Force provides EVEN MORE MOVEMENT SPEED!
Hexdrinker Maw of Malmortius
I continue to buy a Hexdrinker and then upgrade that into a Maw of Malmortius, which provides more Damage and even provides more Damage to the precentage of health is gone! What this means is that you should picture this. Your in a 1v1 situation with an opponent who is low himself but is about to kill you. You use your Burst of Speed and your Riposte and the Maw kicks in and suddenly you have tons of Damage and before your enemy can blink, you have killed him with the help of your extra Damage!
I use Boots + 3 Pots because of the extra Movement Speed and survivability of the Health Potions is hard to beat on an AD like Fiora.
Doran's Blade Doran's Blade
I use Double Doran's Blades because of the extra Damage, Life Steal, and Health are always appreciated.
Berserker's Greaves
The next item I get is I upgrade my Boots and buy basically extra Attack Speed and more Movement Speed!
B. F. Sword Infinity Edge
Next, I buy a B.F. Sword and later upgrade that into an Infinity Edge for Crit Chance, and once you get the chance for Crits, why not make it so that they do more damage? And that is exactly one the IF does. I believe that all AD champions should have this item.
Sheen Phage Trinity Force
I then buy a Sheen, and then a Phage, and then turn those two Items into a Trinity Force. The Trinity Force provides +30 in just about every stat including AD and Attack Speed, which is exactly what we want! In addition the Trinity Force provides EVEN MORE MOVEMENT SPEED!
Hexdrinker Maw of Malmortius
I continue to buy a Hexdrinker and then upgrade that into a Maw of Malmortius, which provides more Damage and even provides more Damage to the precentage of health is gone! What this means is that you should picture this. Your in a 1v1 situation with an opponent who is low himself but is about to kill you. You use your Burst of Speed and your Riposte and the Maw kicks in and suddenly you have tons of Damage and before your enemy can blink, you have killed him with the help of your extra Damage!
I use Flash because it is basically a teleport that puts you even further away from Death! WHo wouldn't want that? It is especially good for Fiora as Fiora does not have multiple escape abilities!
I use Ignite because if a low enemy is just out of your reach, or is running away, then you can Ignite him and finish him off! It acts as a free finisher for running enemies!
I use Flash because it is basically a teleport that puts you even further away from Death! WHo wouldn't want that? It is especially good for Fiora as Fiora does not have multiple escape abilities!
I use Ignite because if a low enemy is just out of your reach, or is running away, then you can Ignite him and finish him off! It acts as a free finisher for running enemies!
Fiora has a great farming capability with her AS buff and she can Lunge twice in a row to get two low health creeps. However, she is not as good at farming as other champions, say Akali who has her E, Crescent Slash which is an AOE skill. Fiora does not have an AOE ability in her skill set except for her ultimate, Blade Waltz, which you should never use for farming as it costs a lot of mana and has a 100+ second cooldown. Otherwise, Fiora is great at farming and can easily get 150+ farm if the game lasts long enough.
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