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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Skontrol

Top The Greatest Of Assassins - Demacia!

Top The Greatest Of Assassins - Demacia!

Updated on November 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skontrol Build Guide By Skontrol 1,640 Views 0 Comments
1,640 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skontrol Xin Zhao Build Guide By Skontrol Updated on November 16, 2012
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Xin Zhao - Introduction and History

Xin zhao is good for a lot of damage and a true strike because if xin's your combo of the 3 powers char enemy so rushed with talents or Flash, Ghost

Whenever Jarvan III, performs his speech from the balcony of marble shining atop the Royal Palace, Xin Zhao is at his side. Coined the Seneschal of Demacia. Xin Zhao is the personal butler Dynasty Lightshield. His vigil, enigmatic silence has led to an abundance of conjecture about his secret life'' and `` origins. Whether it's a double agent'' or `` Zaum as'' indebted rune mage `` reflected in the editorials of the'' Demacian Constant ``, Xin Zhao betrays no hints to sate the curiosity of the masses ... for good reason.

Before the formation of the League, Noxus was renowned for a spectacle called The Carnage. It was a gladiatorial event with a cruel twist when a fighter won matches, the number of opponents (generally prisoners of war) increased. This meant eventual death for each candidate, but with unparalleled glory. Xin Zhao hitherto known as visceral, climb the fight was 300 soldiers, nearly six times more than the last record. It was clear that it would be his last match. Jarvan II wis this unbelievable feat, infiltrated the arena to offer him an alternative, serve Demacia and punish alqueles lately that sentenced him to death in exchange for his freedom. Xin Zhao accepted, astonished by a king risking his own life in his name. On the cover of a premeditated assault on Demacia Noxus, Jarvan liberated Xin Zhao and 300 opponents. During the withdrawal Xin Zhao is hit by a dart envenedo who was destined to Jarvan. This act of loyalty to a man who had pledged loyalty, gave Xin Zhao a spot beside the king until his death. Now in the service of his son, Jarvan III, Xin Zhao is stepping into a new ring - Fields of Justice - to fight for his adopted country and to honor the legacy of the man who gave purpose to his life.

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Xin Zhao - skills


Three Talon Strike - The next 3 attacks basic Xin Zhao's cause more damage, with the third attack throwing the opponent in the air.
Xin Zhao prepares to launch a terrible sequence, causing your next 3 attacks cause 15/30/45/60/75 (+) physical dedano extra, with the last attack throwing the opponent in the air.
Cost 30/30/30/30/30 Mana
reach 375

Battle Cry - Xin Zhao passively increases his attack speed and can activate this ability to further increase your attack speed and reduce the cooldowns of your abilities.
Passive: Increases attack speed on Xin Zhao 15/20/25/30/35%.

Active: Xin Zhao unleashes a roar of battle, increasing attack speed by double the passive 7 seconds, and causing his basic attacks reduce all of his other skills cooldowns by 1 second.
When you activate this ability Xin Zhao loses passive bonus until your cooldown return.
Cost 35/35/35/35/35 Mana
range 20

Audacious Charge - Xin Zhao invests at an enemy, dealing damage and reduced movement speed to him and other enemies in the area of effect.
Xin Zhao invests against a unit, causing 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.4) Damage Magio to all nearby enemies and slowed their movement in 20/25/30/35/40% for 1.7 seconds .
Cost 70/70/70/70/70 Mana
Alacance 650

Crescent Sweep - Xin Zhao sweeps his spear around him, dealing damage to all enemies based on their current life.
Xin Zhao sweeps his spear around him, causing 125/250/375 + 20/20/20% of your current life in physical damage. His magic resistance and armor are increased by 30/40/50 for the next 8 seconds.
Cost 100/100/100 Mana
range 20

Tireless Warrior - Xin Zhao restores 30 health every attack he hits. This amount increases by 5 every two levels.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skontrol
Skontrol Xin Zhao Guide
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The Greatest Of Assassins - Demacia!

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