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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
The perfect counter. He has all the tools to counter you, your only hope is hitting him with a lucky q. Your lane to break even
Your full combo is as following
Q, Press e once, ult, press e again, auto attack
Really useful for obliterating opponents
Your poke combo is as following
Q, AA if in range, E, AA if in range.
Only use this combo without AA's if fed.
Your counter-engage combo is as following
W, Q, E (don't burst until they;re almost out of the radius), ult if they're low enough
Fairly simple combo, make sure to throw the w towards where you're going for minimum time until back. really useful against people without pulls or long range engage.
Q, Press e once, ult, press e again, auto attack
Really useful for obliterating opponents
Your poke combo is as following
Q, AA if in range, E, AA if in range.
Only use this combo without AA's if fed.
Your counter-engage combo is as following
W, Q, E (don't burst until they;re almost out of the radius), ult if they're low enough
Fairly simple combo, make sure to throw the w towards where you're going for minimum time until back. really useful against people without pulls or long range engage.
For this guide we will be playing a pseudo-passive play style. While we are looking to get kills, we will not actively search for them. This means farming behind minions, dodging skill shots, but overall never engaging until we can predict a good q. After that, they're yours to choose poke combo or full combo, just keep in mind how much AP you have and if you have any MR. The reason this works so well is the new buffs to lux's burst: in the form of masteries. By creating scaling Ap, extra damage, and CDR in the masteries, they inadvertently buffed Lux. remember, poke is not neccessary, and if you plan on engaging, do not poke, or you waste thunderlords.
Specifically, the start.
So why Amplifying tome?
Well, With the sustain from masteries, you'll be staying in lane a lot of the time, which means you need all the damage for when you burst them at level six. If you plan on backing, you can take the normal doran's 2 potions, but I find that I dont kill my enemies without burning my flash with doran's.
Next, Rylais.
A lot of you may be saying, "The passive isn't useful on lux, why should i take it?"
The answer is: 100 Ap
With this season, Ap has gotten more rare, with crit being more favored. Suddenly, 100 AP and 400 health seems a lot more useful. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory
So why Amplifying tome?
Well, With the sustain from masteries, you'll be staying in lane a lot of the time, which means you need all the damage for when you burst them at level six. If you plan on backing, you can take the normal doran's 2 potions, but I find that I dont kill my enemies without burning my flash with doran's.
Next, Rylais.
A lot of you may be saying, "The passive isn't useful on lux, why should i take it?"
The answer is: 100 Ap
With this season, Ap has gotten more rare, with crit being more favored. Suddenly, 100 AP and 400 health seems a lot more useful. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory
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