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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
He does still deal out a ton of damage, but now you have to balance his build a bit to give him the sustain he needs.
The overall goal of this build is to give Jax survivability early so that he can farm and become a killing machine late game that is very difficult to stop.
I've also got a jungle

P.S.: This is my first guide so please feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions you might have.
P.P.S.: The patch notes on Jax suggested that

Passive -
Relentless Assault
This is now called "Relentless Assault" but the mobafire database needs to be updated to reflect this ... until then the info will be correct, but the name will be wrong.
(Innate): Every time Jax attacks an enemy, he gains 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 % attack speed for 2.5 seconds (stacks up to 6 times).
Q -
Leap Strike
Range: 700
Cost: 65 Mana
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds
Physical Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+0.6 per ability power) (+1.0 per bonus attack damage)
W -
Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds
Magic Damage: 40 / 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 (+0.6 per ability power)
E -
Counter Strike
Radius AOE: 400
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 Mana
Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds
Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 120 / 160 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage)
Additional Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
R -
Relentless Assault
This is now called "Grandmaster's Might" but the mobafire database needs to be updated to reflect this ... until then the info will be correct, but the name will be wrong.
Every 3rd consecutive hit
Magic Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 (+0.7 per ability power)
Cost: 75 Mana
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds
Attack Damage Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage)
Ability Power Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per ability power)
Other Changes
-Base health increased to 551 from 506
-Health per level increased to 88 from 83
-Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3.2
There are lots of different rune setups that work on Jax.
The armor of
Greater Seal of Armor and magic resist of
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist are very helpful, but you can switch them out if you feel you don't need the survivability.
For marks I recommend attack speed with
Greater Mark of Attack Speed, but armor penetration of Greater Mark of Desolation is a decent alternative.
Finally for Quintessences I think that armor penetration of Greater Quintessence of Desolation is the way to go.
This Jax build is going to focus on a more AD heavy Jax (although he'll still be doing quite a bit of magic damage).
The armor of

For marks I recommend attack speed with

Finally for Quintessences I think that armor penetration of Greater Quintessence of Desolation is the way to go.
This Jax build is going to focus on a more AD heavy Jax (although he'll still be doing quite a bit of magic damage).
For masteries I go 21/9/0 with a build designed primarily to improve Jax's damage output and make him a strong pusher (with Jax's great attack speed
can quickly wreck turrets)). The single point in
can pretty much go anywhere you want to put it. Blast gives a bit more consistent damage as the game goes on ... but really it's not a big deal and you could just as well put a point into
In defense I focus on magic resist
or armor with
and extra HP with
Veteran's Scars
(which again is important now that equipment mastery is gone).

In defense I focus on magic resist

The two spells that seem to work best on Jax are
Flash and
Flash is awesome, great initiator, chaser, or escape.
Surge seems to be designed almost perfectly for Jax ... not only does he get the attack speed boost, but also added AP!!! Combine this with your ultimate and you will destroy almost anything.

Flash is awesome, great initiator, chaser, or escape.
Surge seems to be designed almost perfectly for Jax ... not only does he get the attack speed boost, but also added AP!!! Combine this with your ultimate and you will destroy almost anything.
I tend to prefer
Empower over
Leap Strike since it is lower mana-cost (more spammable) and can help you to farm early.
You only really need 1 point in
Counter Strike early ... and then max it last. The stun is always 1 second regardless of the level.
An alternative skill sequence would be to go for
Counter Strike first then
Leap Strike to try and get an early kill (as mentioned by rollowz in the comments). Overall this is a personal preference and should be based on how aggressive you want to be early.
But if you do decide to get
Counter Strike early there is a great trick you can use to get a bit more damage in. The key here is to use the added damage that
Counter Strike does based on the number of missed attacks. So what you should do is auto-attack an enemy champ when there are lots of enemy creeps nearby ... all the creeps will start attacking you and missing. Every miss will do an additional 10 damage when
Counter Strike hits. That extra damage is HUGE early and can make
Jax a real unexpected menace, especially if you have a teammate to back you up.

You only really need 1 point in

An alternative skill sequence would be to go for

But if you do decide to get

OK ... here is where the big difference lies between the new Jax and the old Jax. Equipment Mastery meant that the old Jax could just stack AP and AD items and turn into an unkillable tank. The new Jax needs to spend a bit of gold on sustainability to go along with his massive DPS.
The goal of this item build is to give Jax the sustain he needs early to farm, and the DPS he needs later to kill.
To start off get a
Boots and 3
Health Potions. Jax really needs the move speed early on and the health pots help keep him in lane.
On your first trip back get a
Phage. Not only does the extra HP keep Jax alive early ... and the slow will make enemies think twice about going after you if you have backup.
Next you want to finish off your boots and usually
Mercury's Treads are the way to go, but if the enemy doesn't have a lot of AP or CC you can go for
Berserker's Greaves instead. Or you could work on your lifesteal to keep you hp up so go for
Bloodthirster. You can get either the
Vampiric Scepter or the
B. F. Sword first depending on how much money you have and how much you feel like you need the lifesteal.
Next I usually take
Guinsoo's Rageblade for the increase in attack speed, damage, and AP. Jax should be a beast at this point and your consistent attacks will destroy heros, turrets, the dragon, and
Baron Nashor
Keep on building towards your
Trinity Force by getting a
Sheen next. Jax can basically spam
Empower and this makes it that much more powerful, as well as giving him some extra mana to spam it that much more.
Complete your
Trinity Force. This item is great on Jax! Every time you use your
Empower it does that much extra damage. The slow keeps enemies from escaping, and the attack speed boost, health, and AP all benefit every aspect of Jax. So there is nothing on this item that is "wasted".
For extra durability I get a
Warmog's Armor. It helps keep Jax in fights longer and prevents him from getting burst down quickly by mages.
If it gets to really late game his final item should be a
Madred's Bloodrazor. The attack speed boost and magic damage synergize well with an AD focused Jax to make him a huge threat to the enemy team even if they stacked armor.
But one big question is ... why no
Hextech Gunblade was a staple of the old Jax build ... and it still can do well on him since he has decent AP scaling ratios. However lets think about why we get
Hextech Gunblade. Sustain & DPS.
-On the Sustain front
Hextech Gunblade has lifesteal is equal to
Bloodthirster that has no stacks. But a fully stacked
Bloodthirster not only gets you more lifesteal, but it will outshine the extra life gained from the
Hextech Gunblade 20% spellvamp (since you will only be hitting your ult at most 33% of the time). So basically the two items are about equal on Sustain.
Bloodthirster really shines though is on the DPS front. With a 0.7 AP ratio you might think that Jax's ult will outperform regular AD if you get lots of AP items. But remember that it hits only once every third attack at most ... so that's more like a 0.22 AP scaling ratio. You do get some AP scaling on his other abilities as well, but the AD scaling is either equal to or better than the AP scaling for every single ability (except
Empower which now only scales with AP at a 0.6 ratio).
However even with the AP scaling of
Empower you will still get more DPS with
Bloodthirster. The reason for this is that Jax is all about attack speed. And he can easily hit the cap of 2.5 attacks/second. But even if he's at a measly 1 attack/second,
Bloodthirster will still get you more DPS. The reason is that that you can use
Empower AT MOST once every 3 seconds and with the AP from
Hextech Gunblade this will give you an additional 42 damage per
Empower which can also be said as 14 extra DPS. However even in the worst case scenario where you have a 0-stack
Bloodthirster and only 1 attack/second it will still be giving you more 6 more DPS than
Hextech Gunblade AND it doesn't cost you any mana. As your attack speed goes up ... the advantage moves more and more in favor of
This means that the
Bloodthirster will do far more consistent damage and scale better with all his abilities ... skip
Hextech Gunblade and go
Bloodthirster every time!
AbeuTheRealz made a good point in the comments that
Atma's Impaler can work exceptionally well on Jax.
I did originally consider adding
Atma's Impaler since the added crit works well with
Trinity Force, and I think it's a great item on Jax, especially with
Warmog's Armor. The only reason that I put in
Madred's Bloodrazor over
Atma's Impaler is that late game this would allow Jax to take on tanks as well and it would also punish people who went too heavy on armor while neglecting Magic Resistance. Additionally the huge speed boost allows Jax's passive
Relentless Assault and
Guinsoo's Rageblade to build up their stacks more quickly.
However if the other team is heavy Magic Resist, Atma's is great since it will add a huge chunk of extra AD as well as crit and armor boosts.
Another item that can work well is
Black Cleaver because of the added speed/damage and since the armor penetration debuffs allow the whole team to do more damage to your target.
The goal of this item build is to give Jax the sustain he needs early to farm, and the DPS he needs later to kill.
To start off get a

On your first trip back get a

Next you want to finish off your boots and usually

Next I usually take

Keep on building towards your

Complete your

For extra durability I get a

If it gets to really late game his final item should be a

But one big question is ... why no
Hextech Gunblade?

-On the Sustain front


However even with the AP scaling of

This means that the

Madred's Bloodrazor or
Atma's Impaler
AbeuTheRealz made a good point in the comments that

I did originally consider adding

However if the other team is heavy Magic Resist, Atma's is great since it will add a huge chunk of extra AD as well as crit and armor boosts.
Another item that can work well is

While the above build works well against most standard teams ... sometimes you need to adjust to stay alive a little better ... and usually in those circumstances you don't need quite the DPS you do otherwise.
For more Magic Resist and huge survivability
Banshee's Veil is the way to go. The passive saves you from being easily focused and the MR keeps you alive
Bloodthirster instead of
Warmog's Armor can be very useful when you're up against teams that aren't doing tons of burst damage but have huge sustained DPS. The 2nd
Bloodthirster will keep you alive and make them fall that much more quickly.
OK ... so I know that this item isn't as good as it used to be, but it is still great on Jax and the active slow makes it much easier to catch up with and kill champs if you have an opposing team that seems to just keep getting away. If you do go for
Hextech Gunblade it should probably replace either
Bloodthirster or
Madred's Bloodrazor.

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