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Biggest Evelynn counter. She can just shield herself or the ally and you will never be able to charm someone.
My perma ban. can 1shot and see you in his ult.
Super tanky and super damagy.
Very annoying. Can kill you easily and simply escape your combos.
Can see you in ult.
She's super strong and I struggle with her a lot. She also will focus you very often because you're squishy so care.
She MELTS you. But se's a midlaner. Just try to not get caught off guard by her.
Simply stupidly broken. He will one shot you most of the time and invade, hard to counterplay unless he stucks X)
Skill matchup. Hard to find a good Elise but she will be annoying to deal against as she can dodge your charm with her jump-air ability.
Annoying to deal against as Eve.
Again, this one is a champ that can either ruin you or either make you win. You should just try to avoid him and if he invades in early just take his crugs and raptors.
Lee Sin
A lot of people hate to deal against Lee but he's my personal fave jungler to play against. he may be aggressive in early game, but in late you simply destroy him. Ward often and predict his moves.
Tanky shit. Ignore him and you're fine.
Kindred is very easy to predict. She will always try to go for your marks so if you work out well with your team you can predict her movement and just kill her every time.
You just one shot her before she can even see you
He will just take a few camps but no big deal
Tanky shit, just ignore him.
Xin Zhao
Strong duelist but falls off late game. Don't fight with him unless ahead and you're fine.
Idk man, Zac sucks in general
Care for early drakes.
Kind of a skill matchup. You need to track his movements well and kill him before he manages to kill others. Should be always your focus in team fights.
Master Yi
Pain in low elo but bad in high. You have cc, don't get caught off guard and one shot before he can react.
He chases you to DEATH. Care for him, he's super annoying and somewhat of an Eve counter.
Idk man, he sucks as a champ literally
He melts melts melts melts you. Be careful, even if he's behind, he easily wins 1v1's..
Meh. Do people even still play her?
Another bad jungler that is underpowered in this meta.
Any AD midlaner goes very well with eve. Talon roams super easily and can help you in your jungle in case of struggle.
Awesome cc, awesome ult that goes well with yours. My favourite champ to duo with as Eve.
Cc. And her ult!
Jax is Jax. Awesome stun for a good lv 2 gank.
The perfect AIDS champ, and his ult is awesome too!
Any AD midlaner goes very well with eve. Talon roams super easily and can help you in your jungle in case of struggle.
Awesome cc, awesome ult that goes well with yours. My favourite champ to duo with as Eve.
Cc. And her ult!
Jax is Jax. Awesome stun for a good lv 2 gank.
The perfect AIDS champ, and his ult is awesome too!
Evelynn doesn't struggle with choosing what path to take as she can clear very fast, but her optimal would be (If starting from red side) Red - Crugs + Smite on big one - Raptors - Wolves - Blue - Smite on Scuttle or if taken smite gromp and recall.
If blue side: Blue - Smite Gromp - Wolves - Raptors - Red - Scuttle + smite - Crugs and recall.
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