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Gangplank Build Guide by The best gp in the WORLD

Top THe only GP guide you will ever need trust me im 47% winrate

Top THe only GP guide you will ever need trust me im 47% winrate

Updated on March 3, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The best gp in the WORLD Build Guide By The best gp in the WORLD 4 5 9,969 Views 2 Comments
4 5 9,969 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The best gp in the WORLD Gangplank Build Guide By The best gp in the WORLD Updated on March 3, 2018
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Henlo friends. This guide will be your ticket to POTENTIALLY challenger with gucci gangplank, but more likely silver 2 54 LP. As my good friend TripleCarry once said "ADC is the only role that matters. Why the **** are you playing top lane" Wise words, Wise words indeed. Ok so this guide will explain how each of GP`s abilities work, and then uhh you can figure the rest out yourself. As another good friend of mine Huni said "Give a man a Gp guide and he will climb for a week, but teach a man how to make his own GP guide and he will likely drops back within a day." Ok go to the next chapter now ty
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Gp`s Passive ability

Gp has one of the most UNIQUE passives in the entire game; an empowered AA (hold your applause) GP`s Passive is called "Blade of Fire" (Yes it`s a very cool name.) When Gp auto`s any enemy unit, Tree, Turret, or Teammate, he sets them on fire for 3 seconds, dealing 3-7 true damage over the first 2 seconds, then 1-638 true damage over the final second (Scaling with level) In addition, once the passive expires the enemy is left with 2 debuffs, which I will explain here. The first debuff is called "Third degree burns". Third degree burns lasts for 30 seconds, and increases any fire damage the champion recieves by 4000%. FIre champions include Brand, and anivia since she can give apply frostbite to enemies. This debuff is what creates such amazing synergy between GP and these 2 champions. The second debuff is called "Oh god I`m on fire, somebody help me please." This debuff lasts the same duration as the GP`s passive, and causes the afflicted enemy to go into a state of shock. This causes them to be feared for the debuff`s duration, but also gain 150% movement speed. Because of this, GP can work well as a jungler, by proccing his passive on an opponent from behind, and forcing them to run directly into GP`s teammates.
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GP`s Q ability

Ok so this chapter will explain how GP`s Q works, which is called Parley. Or PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARLEY haha get it cuz hes a pirate :) is a joke. Gp`s Q costs 4- sorry I mean 60 mana, which means you should only ever use this ability to secure kills, or else you will run out of mana. Something that is not very well known about Gp`s Q is that once you have purchased your first BF sword, your Q has a 30% chance to cause a seizure within the opponent that is hit, which deals an additonal 300% damage. This is what gives Gp his reputation as the RNGesus of League of Legends. GP`s Q also has unique interactions with his W, E, and R which I will explain furtther through the guide.
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GP`s W Ability

GP`s W ability is what makes him slippery little **** to kill. It is called "Eat the Orange" and costs 130 mana. However, once you put a point into this ability, the cost is reduced to 90. No ****ing idea why Riot did this, w/e floats their boat. When you eat the orange "get it its the name of the ability" GP gets a sugar rush from the large amounts of citrus fruit he consumes. This gives him 50% attack speed for 4 seconds (This is why we take lethal tempo ladies and gentleman) and also cleanses all cc, except for stuns and snares. You should use the ability in lane, and then run at the enemy to begin attacking them. If you stand still for 2 seconds (or flash) after using the ability, you inflict "confusion" on enemy champions within 1000 range, which stuns them for 4 seconds as they cannot process what the **** they just watched. These options give Eat the Orange alot of utility, and make Eat the Orange the core ability of GP`s kit.
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GP`s E ability

Gp`s E was recently changed in a champion rework, and is now called "Wooden Barrel of Surprises". Barrels cost no mana (helllo riot balance team?) and are placed within the location chosen, with a 130 second duration. Barrels can only be targetted by GP and enemies with an attack speed above 2.00. If GP last hit`s the barrel it explodes, dealing damage within X-100 range, where X is the radius of the barrel indicator. This is to allow enemy adc`s to sit just far back enough to never be threatened by the citrus eating pirate. GP`s barrels also ignore 85% of the enemies armor, which means you should only use them to clear minion waves. However, if a champion is hit by a barrel, they recieve a unique debuff called "OH **** MY LEGS". This debuff destroys the enemy champions legs for 5 seconds, which reduces their movement speed by 80%. In addition, they cannot use any movement abilities, and bleed out for 10% of their max hp per second. Once this debuff expires, they recieve a buff called "Prosthetic legs", which heals the champion for 10% of their max hp per second for 5 seconds. Because of how this debuff and buff work, you should aim to kill the enemy champion while they have no legs, like the honourable person you are.
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Gp`s ULTIMATE! ability

Gp`s ULTIMATE ability is one of the most creative ults in the entire game (excuse the pun). Gp`s ult is called "Homies got my back :)" and costs 100 mana. Upon activation, Gp`s homies fly the pimp-mobile to a targetted area on summoners rift, and start firing AK-47`s in a 1000 range radius. Each bullet deal a random amount between 5-300 damage, as a bullet to the leg and a bullet to the skull can have different impact. (We keeping this a realistic guide). If an enemy is hit by 3 bullets, they recieve a debuff called "Hole in the Heart". This debuff causes the enemy champion to bleed from a literal hole in their heart, dealing 20% of their max hp over 3 seconds. After this debuff ends, they recieve a enw debuff called "Trying to recover more than Greece`s economy" which heals them for 10 hp a second, for 5 seconds, but also causes them to take 12% additional damage from all sources. This is the ability that can make or a break a game, so always remember to stay true to your homies, and they will stay true to you.
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Laning Phase

Ok so this is the part of the guide where i explain how to play the big booty fruity pirate. In lane, you should be using w as soon as it`s cooldown has refreshed, in order to make use of the attack speed buff. Outside of this, all you should really do is afk push waves. However, a secret tip on Gp is to NOT use your wards. this is so that you can use your passive on the enemy jungler, proccing "Oh god I`m on fire, somebody help me please.". This will waste the junglers time, securing your team a lead.
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Mid-game is GP`s weakest point, and therefore you arent capable of doing much. Stay in your lane and continue afk pushing, and try to look for oppurtunities to summon the pimp-mobile on overextended enemies. Gp`s ult does increased damage to enemies which have flamed in all-chat, so focus them.
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Late-game is the most dangerous, but also the most rewarding time for GP. What you should do is place all 3 barrels in a chain, then blow them up from the first. This chain will hit literally nothing and you will lose the game, but it looks good, and thats what youre playing GP for.
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Ok so, I hope you all enjoyed this guide, if YOU dont reach silver 2 54 LP then maybe GP just isnt the champion for you :( He is an EXTREMELY mechanical champion, and only pros like myself can play him to aximum efficiency. Trust me, I`m 47% winrate.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The best gp in the WORLD
The best gp in the WORLD Gangplank Guide
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THe only GP guide you will ever need trust me im 47% winrate

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