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Recommended Items
Runes: Best Runes in General
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
I just hate this matchup, with his r he can take you out from your r and then chase you with his q, so I would prefer to dodge, if not, you will have to track him all the time so you will never face him
Champion Build Guide
Now to the point: When to use Kindred. Kindred is a very safe option when your team needs more damage, and if you want to solo carry it is also a perfect option. With the new buffs, Kindred is now a safe pick, even if it is blind pick. She can win many matchups and when she is facing a counter doesn't mean she is going to lose, it is just that Kindred is not going to be able to shine as she always do against other champs.
Most people ask themselves, blue or red?, but there is a better question than that one. Where is my win condition? Kindred is very versatile, so he can adapt very well to the needs of the game. If you are at blue side and your top is the win condition then start red, then blue, then gromp and gank top. If the win condition is on botlane you can do exactly the same path but backwards. I prefer not doing a full clear with kindred because his lvl 3 is very powerfull and an early gank can be very usefull for your team.
The ultimate of kindred can also save monsters like drake or herald, and that is perfect for baiting the other jungler smite when trying to steal drake
When to use the Anti Tank Build: Obviously when the other team has tanks. Kraken Slayer, BORK, and Guinsoo's are the best buy for melting tanks, you will deal tons of true damage and continue having the carry potential, also Black Cleaver gives you more sustain because of the 400 hp it gives, and Lord Dominik's gves you a lot of armor penetration so it is perfect for melting tanks.
When to use the Anti Burst Build:
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