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Ashe Build Guide by Mcdinger

Support The Only Way to Solo Queue (BEST WAY TO GET CHALLENGER + GRI

Support The Only Way to Solo Queue (BEST WAY TO GET CHALLENGER + GRI

Updated on October 30, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mcdinger Build Guide By Mcdinger 1,647 Views 0 Comments
1,647 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mcdinger Ashe Build Guide By Mcdinger Updated on October 30, 2016
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So Why in the Heck would you pick Ashe Support?

Hello! Just a random guy that plays League of Legoland for fun. I do some really stupid but fun stuff and it sometimes wins me games. Ashe is very versatile, with a bunch of slows, a stun, and a free ward every minute.

  • Fun as heck
  • Actually provides good "CC" for your team
  • Free Global ward and Stun!
  • Satisfaction when you land those Global nukes.
  • Might get reported because people think you're trolling
  • Squishy as heck
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Early Game

Your job early is to harass the laner as best as possible to crate pressure. Call up jungle to help and get a lead. The more gold you get the faster you scale into the CC launcher.

Don't spam your W as much as you'll lose out on mana quickly. When you hit 6 look for opportunities to catch people with your ult.
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Probably around the time where you have your first item and are building the next. Since you have around 20% CDR (I assume) Your arrow should have a fairly short cool-down with ludicrous amounts of damage.

Your arrow shines at this stage of the game as it's basically a free kill when you land a ultimate. This scales even harder into late game.
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This my friends. Is AP Ashe Support.

Rank 3 Arrow with 45% CDR makes your arrow on a 45 second cool-down. And at late game this is a huge asset as its a chance to catch someone and win the game every 45 seconds. If you're going full AP Ashe this will literally destroy squishies in one ult, changing the turn of the fight.

Say for example the enemy ADC Vayne got poked down and is around half health trying to lifesteal. ULT THAT SUCKER. Not only does your arrow have a 1.0 AP scaling, with Luden's and Deathfire (If you have it) and your insane amount of AP that's a dead Vayne. With 800 AP, you do the damage of your Luden's, 800 (AP Scaling)+400 (base DMG), and Deathfire Touch.

Spamming W to slow people for catching for to escape is just amusing as they try to catch you but you constantly slow them.
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The End

Thanks for reading my terrible Mobafire guide about AP Ashe support! Probably never updating/making another one again lol.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mcdinger
Mcdinger Ashe Guide
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The Only Way to Solo Queue (BEST WAY TO GET CHALLENGER + GRI

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