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He belong in your museum.It just matter how you play your cards. BUT If he is you, and you are him, this means you belong in your own museum and you was defeated by yourself, riot paradox boyz :D
I used a similar combination of ADC runes since season 4, i use it all the time for Ezreal and occasionally for others ad carries.
I didn't changed that much i just find out that i can get more status from them, atually 0.6 more ad XD... before was 4 attack speed 5 attack dmg marks with 1 attack speed and 2 attack dmg quints...
If they catch you without E, your preaty much dead if you don't have flash. IF they catch you with everything on CD...well mate, you ****ed up hard.
I didn't changed that much i just find out that i can get more status from them, atually 0.6 more ad XD... before was 4 attack speed 5 attack dmg marks with 1 attack speed and 2 attack dmg quints...
If they catch you without E, your preaty much dead if you don't have flash. IF they catch you with everything on CD...well mate, you ****ed up hard.
Well, like the most of adc just stay behind, try to don't die and poke, POKE HARD with your q and occasionaly e and r, but remember if they catch you without e, your preaty much dead if you don't have flash. IF they catch you with everything on cd...well mate, you ****ed up.
Well, may not be ezreal the adc with most adc (****ing draven) or most speed(mf ****) or slow combined with minigun(ashe) OR haveing a ****ING BIRD (Die in **** Quin) BUT he is after me the most squishy adc, most mobile and the adc with the biggest One Skill One Skill Shot...
You can't just start playing ezreal and think your god, he is a Easy to play Hard to master champ, that need practice. (And now the Katarina and Master Yi mains will come and say, YOUR WRONG, Ezreal very easy champ to master, first time play penta easy, NO Balance, Katarina/YI is 10 times more balanced...) or that ****ing quin, I wish i could burn her house down...
PS: Any questions you have you can leave in the comments section, and i can record you my unique play style with commentary if it's asked by a few people.
PSS:Sorry for ****ty english, It's not my first language, I just abuse it.
You can't just start playing ezreal and think your god, he is a Easy to play Hard to master champ, that need practice. (And now the Katarina and Master Yi mains will come and say, YOUR WRONG, Ezreal very easy champ to master, first time play penta easy, NO Balance, Katarina/YI is 10 times more balanced...) or that ****ing quin, I wish i could burn her house down...
PS: Any questions you have you can leave in the comments section, and i can record you my unique play style with commentary if it's asked by a few people.
PSS:Sorry for ****ty english, It's not my first language, I just abuse it.
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