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Tryndamere Build Guide by React

Middle The "New" Spin 2 Win ~ AP Tryndamere

Middle The "New" Spin 2 Win ~ AP Tryndamere

Updated on March 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author React Build Guide By React 2,510 Views 0 Comments
2,510 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author React Tryndamere Build Guide By React Updated on March 2, 2013
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Note: I created this guide fairly quickly, I will add more at another time **

Why Play AP Tryndamere?

Well, good question [insert your name here]. I have made a list below to answer your question.
  • Very Fun
  • Relatively Strong
  • If Played Right You Are Unstoppable
  • Hard To Counter
  • Can Push Lane All Day Long

But, There Must Be Something Bad About AP Tryndamere?

Another good question [insert your name here]. We all know that with Pro's come Con's and AP Tryndamere is no exception. I have created another list below to answer this question.
  • Ignite Hurts
  • CC Shuts You Down
  • Looked Upon As A Troll Build
  • Falls Off End Game
  • Provides Minimal Assistance in Team Fights

Well, Should I Follow This Build Exactly?

Well [insert your name here] I am going to answer your question with a question. Do you do exactly what your friends tell you to do? If you said "Yes", I suggest you grow some balls. If you answered "No" than I suggest you do the same and view this guide as a set of guidelines to play AP Tryndamere.

But Why Do You Build Some AD/Critical Chance Items on AP Tryndamere?

Good Question [insert your name here]. The main reason is because of Tryndamere's passive Battle Fury, it grants a 30% critical chance when at max fury and critical strikes reduce the cool-down on Spinning Slash which means with more critical chance you will in turn have less time to wait before you can "spin to win" and your auto-attacks actually hurt too!

One Last Question, Why Is Your Guide So Short?

Sorry if this upsets you[insert your name here], but I like to keep things short and simple. However this does not mean I am going to leave this guide as is. I will improve it if it performs well based on the reception it receives I may change the question format to a regular format if needed. But fear not, I will provide you with more "spin to win" details when time permits me to.

Before you leave [insert your name here] I would like to thank you for asking those questions and spending time reading over the answers. I hope you enjoyed what you learned and am eager to provide you with more information. I would tempt you to vote on my guide and at least try AP Tryndamere. Have a great day!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author React
React Tryndamere Guide
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