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Ability Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Champion Spotlight
Champion Spotlight
I actually reccomend watching this Champion Spotlight.
Phreak did good on this champion spotlight. Maybe he'll stop trolling us with jungle Sivir and Lulu from now on.
Gives out some basic skill combos for how to play Zed.
Just a good thing to watch.
Zed is a strong champion, but like many champions he has his own strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these and playing to his strong points will allow you to win games.
-High burst damage output
-His sustained damage is strong
-Fast, safe jungle clears after the first one
-High mobility
-He's a flippin' ninja
-Energy hungry
-No sustain
-No hard CC
-Difficult to play
-High burst damage output
-His sustained damage is strong
-Fast, safe jungle clears after the first one
-High mobility
-He's a flippin' ninja
-Energy hungry
-No sustain
-No hard CC
-Difficult to play
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