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Kennen Build Guide by MrB34t

Middle The storm is rising | guide to kennen

Middle The storm is rising | guide to kennen

Updated on March 30, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrB34t Build Guide By MrB34t 7,440 Views 7 Comments
7,440 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrB34t Kennen Build Guide By MrB34t Updated on March 30, 2013
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Hello everyone my name is MrBeat and im a normal league player like most of you are. Im currently at silver and me and our team GDW play together a lot. so i wanted to make this guide for anyone who likes kennen or playing midlane. So be ready to own those scrubs in no time. please read this guide trough and give your feedack in the comment section.
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Pros / Cons


+ Great teamfigther!
+ No mana!
+ Huge damage!
+ Can carry games!
+ Viable in AoE and initiation Comp!
+ Fun to play!

// Awesome teamfigther and mage.

- Hard to play!
- Needs time to learn!
- Stun is hard to land if your new!
- Runs out of energy if you spam!
- very squishy if not building rigth!
- Can not dodge karthus ulti!

// Easy to learn... Hard to master...
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Skill Explanation!

Mark of the storm: // Kennen's abilities add Marks of the Storm to opponents which last for 8 seconds. An opponent is stunned for 1 second upon receiving 3 Marks of the Storm. Also, Kennen receives 25 energy. The stun has a diminished effect if applied more than once within 7 seconds.

Thundering shuriken: // Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, dealing 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+75% of ability power) magic damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.
Tips and Tricks
  • // Use this to harras enemy or lasthit creeps.
  • // Try to hit 3 shurikens in a row to stun the enemy.
  • // Max this second after your "W".

Electrical Surge: // Passive: Every 5 attacks, Kennen deals magic damage equal to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 % of his attack damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target.

Active: Surges electricity through all nearby targets afflicted by Mark of the Storm, dealing 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+55% of ability power) magic damage and adding another mark.
Tips and Tricks
  • // Use "Q" and this to harras the enemy.
  • // U can use this for lasthitting.
  • // Max this first so you get the most damage

Lightning rush: // Kennen transforms into a ball of electricity for up for 3 seconds. While in this state Kennen gains 230 movement speed and ignores unit collisions. Any enemies he passes through take magic damage and have a Mark of the Storm applied to them, dealing half damage to minions. Kennen also gains 40 energy from the first enemy he hits. Kennen cannot use basic attacks while Lightning Rush is active.
Additionally, for 4 seconds Kennen's armor and magic resistance are increased. While Lightning Rush is active, Kennen can activate it again to cancel the first part of the ability.

Tips and Tricks
  • // Use this to dodge skillshots.
  • // Re-activate the ability to just gain the stat boosts.
  • // use this to farm. run trough minions and use "W".

Slicing maelstrom: // ACTIVE: Kennen summons a magical storm around himself that zaps a random enemy champion within range every fraction of a second, dealing magic damage and applying a Mark of the Storm. The storm hits several times, increasing with level, and cannot hit the same target more than 3 times.

Tips and Tricks
  • // Amazing teamfigth ultimate. combine this with amumu or sona.
  • // Let the three Mark of the storms hit and then use your "W"
  • // You can get early kills with your full combo.
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Summoner spells!

Summoner Spells

Ignite: // Good earlygame killing tool and lategame lifesteal breaker.
Flash: // You should know why flash. its the best summoner spell in game. you can flash out of trouble or flash in for kill. use flash to go in to teamfigth.
Teleport: // Use this to gank other lanes. when you teleport try to have your "W" passive on for a fast stun.
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Very basic stuff here just pick these if you want more damage and you could go with 9-21-0 for more sustain/defense.
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Sorcerer's Shoes
// Best boots for kennen.
// These Are amazing boots on kennn they will boost your early game damage so much. you will be dealing true damage if you get these boots and other magic penetration items if they have little magic resist.

Liandry's Torment
// All that you need.
// This item, THIS ITEM! So good for kennen you get the magic pen and ability power and a bit of health. good for early teamfigths and boosts your damage a lot.

zhonya's hourglass
// Best item for kennen in my opinion. the active the stats and the early game armguard is amazing.
// This item boosts your ap and armor significantly and the active ability is for mid to lategame teamfigths or when your in a tigth spot.

will of the ancients
// Your lane sustain and damage boost.
// This item is good to rush really early so you can farm so much for those teamfigths.

rabadon's deathcap
// An normal item for every ap champion.
// The Lategame ap boost what will make you an bomb. boosts your ap so much.

// Finish your build with one of these.

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CHAMPION // First you should stay at the back and poke em with your "Q". when your innitiator like (jarvan,thresh,galio,amumu,etc) Then you should flash or "E" in and then use your ultimate. When you use your ultimate wait about 1.5 to 2 seconds and then use your "W" to deal TONS OF DAMAGE!
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// Kennen is a really fun champion to play but hard to master. i will be updating this guide when ever needed and if you want to say something put it in to the comment section. constructive feedback would be appriciated.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrB34t
MrB34t Kennen Guide
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The storm is rising | guide to kennen

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