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you guys will hate me but no picture for this one...
Quints: GP10
Red Marks: flat ability power
Yellow Seals: Flat armor
Blue Glyphs: Scaling Magic Resist
This gives some good early poke (with masteries) and the armor is good against the obvious ADC.
GP10 quints are almost a must for supports IMO
Quints: GP10
Red Marks: flat ability power
Yellow Seals: Flat armor
Blue Glyphs: Scaling Magic Resist
This gives some good early poke (with masteries) and the armor is good against the obvious ADC.
GP10 quints are almost a must for supports IMO
9-12-9. AP, cooldown, armor, and potions. all you need
9-12-9. AP, cooldown, armor, and potions. all you need
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