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Choose Champion Build:
- Burst Damage
- Higher DPS
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
Table of Contents
1. Introduction2. Gold Efficient Pure Damage
3. Gold Efficient Overall DPS
4. Flat Damage (Bursty)
5. Overall BEST DPS
6. Item Scores (Based on Stat Weights)
7. Stat Weights (Based on Maths)
8. The Maths (Long and Boring)
9. Summary
// This is more of a collection of theorycrafted builds than it is a guide. Expect to learn the BEST builds for the champion with math to prove it. Don't expect to learn how to play the champion. Eventually I will add in a guide, probably in video form, explaining how the champion is played with a few tips. Until then enjoy knowing the 100% best builds for the champion proven by maths. // SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here. |
Gold Efficient Pure Damage Build
// Increased movespeed, and attack speed. Makes it easier to dodge things in lane and also increases the damage of your ultimate, The Culling, as well as your Auto Attack DPS. These are the only boots that will actually give you more flat damage, so its the clearcut choice for this build. |
// This can be a bit risky to get early game because it doesn't give you any damage, but with it you can spam abilities to your hearts content and it upgrades later on into the almighty Muramana which is the best DMG per gold item you can get. So get it semi-early and once it gets full stacks upgrade it. You can also upgrade it earlier if you want to stack it faster, but its not actually worth the gold until full stacks. And this build is all about being worth the gold. |
// Massive spike in damage with this item, if you have enough gold on your first or second time back to base go ahead and get the B. F. Sword. This is the most cost effective item early game, so rush it if you can. |
// This item's stats aren't actually all that great, but because its so cheap at 2300 gold its definately worth it once mid game comes around and people have a decent amount of armor. |
// The only items more cost effective than Bloodthirster we already have, so the only thing left to do is get another. Another alternative is a Blade of the Ruined King. Which technically isn't as cost effective as this item, but the activate is very helpful so in my opinion its still a good buy. |
For a 6th item go for something with survavability. I can't really tell you which item to buy since tanky items are all situational. If you're having trouble against AD a Randuin's Omen is always a good buy. If CC/magic damage is the problem a Mercurial Scimitar is an amazing item. If its a mixture between magic AND physical you could go for a Guardian Angel or even a Warmog's Armor if you really wanted to.
Gold Efficient Overall DPS Build
// Because Berserker's Greaves cost 100 gold less than Ionian Boots of Lucidity they actually give more DPS Per Gold, so they are the best boots for this build. |
// This can be a bit risky to get early game because it doesn't give you any damage, but with it you can spam abilities to your hearts content and it upgrades later on into the almighty Muramana which is the second best DPS per gold item you can get. So get it semi-early and once it gets full stacks upgrade it. You can also upgrade it earlier if you want to stack it faster, but its not actually worth the gold until full stacks. And this build is all about being worth the gold. |
// Early game this item will give you the most DPS for your gold, so rush it as soon as you can. If you can buy a B. F. Sword on your first or second time back to base get it over the Berserker's Greaves or Tear of the Goddess. Also the early sustain is a huge help. |
// This item is the second best DPS Per Gold item after Blade of the Ruined King. Buy it once your Tear of the Goddess is stacked fully or very close to being stacked fully. The toggle is amazing on this ability so anytime you can spare the mana turn it on. |
// Only 2 items can trump Bloodthirster for DPS Per Gold and you already have them, so at this point just buy another! Also this will be your third lifesteal item so your sustain will be insane. |
For a 6th item go for something with survavability. I can't really tell you which item to buy since tanky items are all situational. If you're having trouble against AD a Randuin's Omen is always a good buy. If CC/magic damage is the problem a Mercurial Scimitar is an amazing item. If its a mixture between magic AND physical you could go for a Guardian Angel or even a Warmog's Armor if you really wanted to.
Flat Damage Manmode ENDGAME Build
// These are the only boots that will give you more burst damage, so they are the obvious choice for this build. BUT once you get to super late game, as this build should, you can sell these for a Zephyr as it will give you more burst damage without losing very much movement speed. |
// Early game before your base AD is very high or the enemy team has a lot of HP this item will give you the most burst. |
// This item will give you more overall burst than any other item in the mid game, as long as you are utilizing its passive, but as Lucian you should already be utilized your built in passive Lightslinger which is very similar. So not only is this the most burst item you can get, but it also fits Lucian's playstyle quite nicely. |
// Only 2 items can trump Bloodthirster for burst damage and you already have them! So now the only thing left to do is get more of these bad boys. |
For a 6th item go for something with survavability. I can't really tell you which item to buy since tanky items are all situational. If you're having trouble against AD a Randuin's Omen is always a good buy. If CC/magic damage is the problem a Mercurial Scimitar is an amazing item. If its a mixture between magic AND physical you could go for a Guardian Angel or even a Warmog's Armor if you really wanted to. BUT this build is supposed to be manmode burst, so you can also opt for ANOTHER Bloodthirster and do INSANE burst damage.
Overall DPS ENDGAME build
// These boots give the most overall DPS of any boots, so its obvious why we're getting them for this build. Also the reduced cooldowns allow for more frequent poking in the laning phase, and more dashing around in teamfights. Super lategame however you're gonna want to sell these for a Zephyr because it will give you more over DPS without losing much movement speed OR cooldown reduction. |
// Early game before your opponents have much HP this item gives you the most overall DPS of any item. |
// Yes I know the unique passive doesn't stack but you don't need it to. 70 AD and 25% crit brings more Overall DPS to the table than ANY other item besides Blade of the Ruined King. |
For a 6th item go for something with survavability. I can't really tell you which item to buy since tanky items are all situational. If you're having trouble against AD a Randuin's Omen is always a good buy. If CC/magic damage is the problem a Mercurial Scimitar is an amazing item. If its a mixture between magic AND physical you could go for a Guardian Angel or even a Warmog's Armor if you really wanted to. But this build is supposed to be for the most Overall DPS possible and if you really want the most POSSIBLE go with yet ANOTHER Infinity Edge
Item Scores (Based on stat weights below)
As far as the crit items are concerned the crit multiplier I used was 250%, so these are the numbers for if you already own an infinity edge and don't have any other increases to crit damage from Masteries/Runes. With that being said you can see even a SECOND Infinity Edge is much better than a Phantom Dancer. Also if you use the Mastery for increased Crit Damage, Infinity Edge > Bloodthirster for DPS, but not for DMG.
// Numbers are assuming the target has 2k HP and activate is used on CD. DMG Per Gold - 0.348743438671875 DPS Per Gold - 0.0709072962984375 DMG - 1415.97900375 DPS - 231.903348155 |
DMG Per Gold - 0.3416832531876138 DPS Per Gold - 0.0422696051712568 DMG - 1313.088742 DPS - 162.44209275 |
Even without an Infinity Edge this item still does more for overall damage to your abilities than Bloodthirster, its just very expensive.
// These scores are for a Bloodthirster with max stacks. DMG Per Gold - 0.3699054546875 DPS Per Gold - 0.05334379659375 DMG - 1183.697455 DPS - 170.7001491 |
DMG Per Gold - 0.2606465903947368 DPS Per Gold - 0.0439126228276316 DMG - 990.4570435 DPS - 166.867966745 |
DMG Per Gold - 0.2137364609649123 DPS Per Gold - 0.0390969432105263 DMG - 609.14891375 DPS - 111.42628815 |
DMG Per Gold - 0.1812382642857143 DPS Per Gold - 0.0395872137321429 DMG - 507.46714 DPS - 110.84419845 |
// Armor Penetration hasn't been factored into this item's score. DMG Per Gold - 0.348743438671875 DPS Per Gold - 0.0296869824521739 DMG - 473.478982 DPS - 68.28005964 |
When comparing this item to other items, look at how much more damage they do and factor in armor reducing that damage. get rid of 35% of that armor and then factor armor into this items damage. You'll find that this item comes ahead of any item at extreme levels of armor. But sadly only at EXTREME levels. Lucian's AD ratios are just so amazing that this item is lackluster in most late game circumstances.
DMG Per Gold - 0.1392109111111111 DPS Per Gold - 0.0239958949333333 DMG - 125.28982 DPS - 21.59630544 |
DMG Per Gold - 0 DPS Per Gold - 0.0221407309125 DMG - 0 DPS - 22.1407309125 |
Stat Weights (Based on maths below)
The numbers for Crit Chance are using 250% crit damage, so crit will only be as good as listed below if you already own an infinity edge.
1 Attack Damage nets you...
11.83697455 more damage and 1.707001491 more DPS.
1% Attack Speed nets you...
6.264491 more damage and 1.079815272 more DPS.
1% Crit Chance nets you...
6.474753 more damage and 1.895114495 more DPS.
1% Cooldown Reduction nets you...
0 more damage and 1.4760487275 more DPS.
As far as pure damage is concerned.
As far as overall damage per second is concerned.
The Maths (Long and Boring)
Alright, first lets look at Lucian's base stats at level 18. (All math assumes level 18 with all skills maxed and all passive procs are triggered)
AD - 97
AS - .994357
Crit - 0
Now lets do the math to find out how much damage and DPS Lucian does with his abilities and auto attacks with no items, runes, and masteries. (No bonus AD, which is what every ability scales with except the passive)
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97 DPS - 97*.994357=96.452629
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 72.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+72.75=312.75 DPS - 312.75/5=62.55
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+72.75=292.75 DPS - 292.75/10=29.275
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 72.75 DPS - 7.275
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*.994357)=17.9407485)
DMG - (60*17.9407485)+72.75=1149.19491 DPS - 1149.19491/50=22.9838982
Total DMG - 97+312.75+292.75+7.275+1149.19491=1858.96991
Total DPS - 96.452629+62.55+29.275+7.275+22.9838982=219.5365272
Next up CDR, I'll be using 20% for easier math then later finding out what 1% yields.
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97 DPS - 97*.994357=96.452629
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 72.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+72.75=312.75 DPS - 312.75/4=78.1875
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+72.75=292.75 DPS - 292.75/8=36.59375
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 72.75 DPS - 72.75/8=9.09375
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*.994357)=17.9407485)
DMG - (60*17.9407485)+72.75=1149.19491 DPS - 1149.19491/40=28.72987275
Total DPS - 96.452629+78.1875+36.59375+9.09375+28.72987275=249.05750175
DPS Difference - 249.05750175-219.5365272=29.52097455
Now lets find out the DPS difference for 1% CDR.
Now lets add 100 AD and do it all over again to see how much DPS 100 AD will bring us. (100 for easy math later when comparing stats)
New stats with 100 bonus AD
AD - 197
AS - .994357
Crit - 0
Auto Attacks
DMG - 197 DPS - 197+.994357=195.888329
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 147.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+120+147.75=507.75 DPS - 507.75/5=101.55
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+60+147.75=427.75 DPS - 427.75/10=42.775
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 147.75 DPS - 147.75/10=14.775
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*.994357)=17.9407485)
DMG - ((60+30)*17.9407485)+147.75=1762.417365 DPS - 1762.417365/50=35.2483473
Total DMG - 197+507.75+427.75+147.75+1762.417365=3042.667365
Total DPS - 195.888329+101.55+42.775+14.775+35.2483473=390.2366763
Now lets see how much more DMG/DPS that is exactly.
DMG - 3042.667365-1858.96991=1183.697455 DPS - 390.2366763-219.5365272=170.7001491
Now lets divide that by 100 to find a DMG/DPS increase for 1 AD instead of 100.
DMG - 1183.697455/100=11.83697455 DPS - 170.7001491/100=1.707001491
Now lets do AS, just like before I'll be using 100% AS.
New stats with 100% bonus AS.
AD - 97
AS - 1.988714
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97 DPS - 97*1.988714=192.905258
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 72.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+72.75=312.75 DPS - 312.75/5=62.55
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+72.75=292.75 DPS - 292.75/10=29.275
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 72.75 DPS - 7.275
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*1.988714)=28.381497
DMG - (60*28.381497)+72.75=1775.63982 DPS - 1775.63982/50=35.5127964
Total DMG - 97+312.75+292.75+7.275+1775.63982=2485.41482
Total DPS - 192.905258+62.55+29.275+7.275+35.5127964=327.5180544
Now lets see how much more DMG/DPS that is exactly.
DMG - 2485.41482-1858.96991=626.4491 DPS - 327.5180544-219.5365272=107.9815272
Now lets divide that by 100 to find a DMG/DPS increase for 1 AS instead of 100.
DMG - 626.4491/100=6.264491 DPS - 107.9815272/100=1.079815272
Our final stat will be crit, to make the math really easy on me I'll be using 100% crit.
(For this I'll be using a crit multiplier of 250%, so these numbers for crit will be WITH infinity edge)
New stats with 100% bonus crit
AD - 97
AS - .994357
Crit - 100
Auto Attacks
DMG - 242.5 DPS - 242.5*.994357=241.1315725
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 181.875 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+181.875=421.875 DPS - 421.875/5=84.375
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+181.875=401.875 DPS - 401.875/10=40.1875
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 181.875 DPS - 181.875/10=18.1875
R - The Culling
DMG - (60*17.9407485)+181.875=1258.32021 DPS - 1258.32021/50=25.1664042
Total DMG - 242.5+421.875+401.875+181.875+1258.32021=2506.44521
Total DPS - 241.1315725+84.375+40.1875+18.1875+25.1664042=409.0479767
Now lets see how much more DMG/DPS that is exactly.
DMG - 2506.44521-1858.96991=647.4753 DPS - 409.0479767-219.5365272=189.5114495
Now lets divide that by 100 to find a DMG/DPS increase for 1 Crit instead of 100.
DMG - 647.4753/100=6.474753 DPS - 189.5114495/100=1.895114495
This next section is concerning the Blade of the Ruined King's passive. For numbers I'm going to assume the target has 2k HP then find out how much overall DMG and DPS the passive alone will give you, so I can use it to more properly find its value.
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97+100=197 DPS - 197*.994357=195.888329
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 172.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+172.75=415.75 DPS - 83.15
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+172.75=393.75 DPS - 393.75/10=39.275
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 172.75 DPS - 172.75/10=17.275
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*.994357)=17.9407485)
DMG - (60*17.9407485)+172.75=1249.19491 DPS - 1249.19491/50=24.9838982
Blade of the Ruined King ACTIVATE
DMG - 300 DPS - 300/60=5
Total Damage - 2728.44491
Total DPS - 365.5722272
BONUS Damage - 2728.44491-1858.96991=869.475
BONUS DPS - 365.5722272-219.5365272=146.0357
Now we'll test Muramana's Active toggle with full mana equal to 1927.
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97 DPS - 97*.994357=96.452629
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 72.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+72.75+115.62=428.37 DPS - 428.37/5=85.674
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+72.75+115.62=408.37 DPS - 408.37/10=40.837
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 72.75 DPS - 72.75/10=7.275
R - The Culling
DMG - (60*17.9407485)+72.75+115.62=1264.81491 DPS - 1264.81491/50=25.2962982
Total DMG - 2271.66491
Total DPS - 255.5349272
BONUS DMG - 412.695
BONUS DPS - 35.9984
Lastly I'll be testing Trinity Force's AP and passive. I'm grouping the ability power with Trinity Force because I don't plan on making an AP so it's not very important I'm just being thorough figuring out just how good Trinity Force is.
Auto Attacks
DMG - 97 DPS - 97*.994357=96.452629
Passive - Lightslinger
Adds 72.75 damage to each ability, which will be in the below formulas for each ability.
Q - Piercing Light
DMG - 240+72.75+145.5=438.25 DPS - 438.25/5=87.65
W - Ardent Blaze
DMG - 220+72.75+27+145.5=465.25 DPS - 465.25/10=46.525
E - Relentless Pursuit
DMG - 72.75+145.5=218.25 DPS - 218.25/10=21.825
R - The Culling (Shots fired is 7.5+(10.5*.994357)=17.9407485)
DMG - (63*17.9407485)+72.75+145.5=1348.5171555 DPS - 1348.5171555/50=26.97034311
Total DMG - 2564.2671555
Total DPS - 279.42297211
Bonus DMG - 705.2972455
Bonus DPS - 59.88644491
Summary (The End!)
Thanks for checking out my builds, before voting or commenting please at least try them or check out the math that indisputably PROVES these builds to be the best in their own category. Some of the results were actually very surprising to me, I was expecting crit to be very strong, but it turns out Lucian's crazy AD ratios (Mainly dat Passive 75% on EVERY ability) just overpowers everything else. Theres been a lot of speculation that the classic ADC builds should also be used on Lucian and although they are good and will WORK the builds in this guide are 100% guaranteed to be the best possible. According to math at least... // SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here. |
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