GO DORANS SHIELD EVERYTIME. Its the worst nightemare for Yone you can try to dodge but skilled ahri will charm you and spam you out. Try to outplay her by trading with her to level 6 so she needs to go more recalls than you (she will miss more xp). So you will hit level 6 first and go all in try to kill her. When she hits level 6 its basically impossible to kill her because she will dodge everything.
Go Dorans Shield. Its insane she will dodge everything you do. NEVER LET HER HIT YOU WITH HER E. And NEVER fight with her in the smoke bombs she will kill you with her R and you will do basically nothing to her.
Go Dorns Shield. Basically skill matchup. When he uses his R hide behind minions, walls or turrets. Try to outplay him with Q3.
Go Dorans Shield. Its Yone sided match up. You can go trough her walls with Q3, E and R. She is also scaling so you can trade with her anytime in early and mid game. If you will play it right she will be so behind its immposible for her to scale.
Go Dorans Shield. She is an annyoing poke mage and also will one tap you with her ult so try to trade with her before level six. After that bait her R and then all in her.
Aurelion Sol
EASIEST MATCH UP GO DORANS BLADE. You hard counter him so badly you can really do anything dive him go all in anytime you will kill him.
Go Dorans Blade. Its Yone sided match up. He is really squishy so just trade with him and then kill him with a dive or something.
Go Dorans Shield. He is really annoying with his poke. When he uses his abilities to poke you trade with him. You will destroy him in close combat.
Go Dorans Shield. Skill Match up. She is annoying but you have a lot of ways to outplay her. Skill Match up.
Go Dorans Blade. Yone sided Match up. He is ranged but really easy to get to and also really squishy.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Annoying but a little bit squishy, trade with her in close combat.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its really not bad but really annoying ult. Go all in when he doesnt have his ult. If he has it, dont go you will do nothing.
Go Dorans Blade or Shield. Fizz sided Match up. Really annoying one tap machine. Dogde his R wit Q3 and then all in. Also try to trade when he doesnt have his E to jump away.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Annyoing Q but its really okay. Try to trade and all in him.
Go Dorans Blade. Really fun and skill Match up. Its really okay nothing annyoing try to trade and dive.
Go Dorans Shield. Skill Match up. SO ANNOYING POKE ITS INSANE. But when you get to him he is dead. Really squishy.
Go Dorans Shield. Skilled Match up. Really annoying poke mage. Try to dogde with Q3 when you get to him he is dead. Really squishy.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its really fun to play against. Trade with her and try to outplay her with Q3. So many dashes it can be annoying but try to predict where she will go.
Go Dorans Blade. If you loose this go play Super Mario or some ****.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Try to outplay her with Q3. You can really easily dogde her R with Q3 and then go all in with R.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. He will be really aggresive in early try to outplay him with Q3. Dont feed him it will be an nightmare. If he will not be fed you will outscale him.
Go Dorans Shield or if you want to be aggresive Blade. A little bit LeBlanc sided Match up because of range. Try to get to her with Q3 and E.
Go Dorans Shield. Annyoing as hell. You will not like this Match up. Try to get to her with Q3. Really annoying ult.
Go Dorans Shield or Blade. Skill Macth up. Dorans Blade if you can dogde really good and plan to be aggresive. Really squishy. Get to her with Q3 and E. When you get to her she is basiclly dead.
Go Dorans Shield. ANNYOING PIECE OF ****. Try to outplay him in early game by Q3 and E. DONT let him EVER ult you. You are dead when he lands his R.
Go Dorans Blade. You cant loose this. She does no damage and is really squishy. If you loose idk go play google dinosaur.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Wave managment notjing else dont let him farm. Kill him in early before he scales.
GO DORANS SHIELD!!! Orianna sided Match up. Really Annoying. Insane range but really squishy. Try to get to her with Q3 and combo her.
Go Dorans Shield. Phanteon sided Match Up. Play extremly defensive. Dont fight with him before level 6. After 6 go all in. You will kill him because he doesnt really have fighting R. Then you will outscale him.
Go Dorans Shield. Fun and skill Match up. You can also fight with her even though she is invisible. You have the range on Q3,W and also R to cover the whole area she is invisible in.
dogde there is nothing more you can do
Go Dorans Blade. You hardcounter him. Easy Match up. Just get close to him and he is dead.
Go Dorans Shield or Blade. Annoying but not so much. Its really okay and skill Match up.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Outplay him with Q3 dont trade with him he will destroy you. Poke him with Q3 or E W and then all in him.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its an okay Match up. All in him because if you will trade or poke him he will run away with his E.
Go Dorans Shield. REALLY ANNOYING. NO ADC SHOULD BE ON MID. Get to her with E and Q3 she is really squishy but also really annoying.
Go Dorans Shield. REALLY ANNOYING. NO ADC SHOULD BE ON MID. Get to him with E and Q3 he is really squishy but also really annoying.
Go Dorans Shield. REALLY ANNOYING. NO ADC SHOULD BE ON MID. Get to her with E and Q3 she is really squishy but also really annoying.
Go Dorans Blade. Mage that doesnt poke. Fun and Yone sided match up. You can dodge everything with Q3 and E.
Go Dorans Shield. The most annoying piece of **** ever. Insane poke but squishy, just get to her with Q3 and E and she is dead.
Go Dorans Shield. The annoying piece of ****. Insane poke but squishy, just get to him with Q3 and E and he is dead. If he ults you run with E he will not be able to catch you because of the ghost you get from E.
Go Dorans Blade or Shield. Annyoing with healing but rather then that an okay Skill Match up. All in him or he will heal back all the damage you traded with him. Dogde his R with Q3.
Go Dorans Shield. Yone sided Match up. He is poke but really squishy and easy to dogde. Geto to him and he is dead. When he ults run around in E he wont be able to hit you because of the ghost.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Really nothing more to say. Just try to get him away from minions or something he can dash to. Then you can kill him more easily.
Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. You wont be able to R him he will dash away or R you. So bait his abilities then go all in.
Go Dorans Shield. Yone sided Match up. Really annoying at first but easy to dogde when you learn her abilities. Really squishy when you get to her she is dead. JUST DONT LET HER HIT YOU WITH THE SLEEP THING.
Go Dorans Shield or Blade if you think you dont need the sustain.. Its a skill match up. His poke isnt really that bad because you can dogde really everything. Just dont dive him when he has his e because he will dogde you. Really squishy if you get to him he is dead.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Aurelion Sol
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Master Yi
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. But Master is an exepction even though he is a scaler he has really good dives. Wich is one of Yones best abilietis so master can just help with it.
Tahm Kench
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Because she is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really likes to steal kills.
Because she is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. So ye its good and also she is a good diver so she can also help with that.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. But he is good in also other phases of the games i would say so this is one of the best Jungleres you can have. Also really good synergy with his cc.
She is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone. Also good synergy with cc.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. Also likes stealing kills.
He is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone. So yes its really just ok.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really good synergy with his cc.
He is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone.
Nunu & Willump
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really good synergy with his cc.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
He is an mid game champ so its okay. Really nothing more to say.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. But he has good synergy with cc. So its okay.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. So its okay.
She is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Aurelion Sol
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Master Yi
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. But Master is an exepction even though he is a scaler he has really good dives. Wich is one of Yones best abilietis so master can just help with it.
Tahm Kench
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Because she is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really likes to steal kills.
Because she is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. So ye its good and also she is a good diver so she can also help with that.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. But he is good in also other phases of the games i would say so this is one of the best Jungleres you can have. Also really good synergy with his cc.
She is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone. Also good synergy with cc.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. Also likes stealing kills.
He is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone. So yes its really just ok.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really good synergy with his cc.
He is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone.
Nunu & Willump
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. Also really good synergy with his cc.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
He is an mid game champ so its okay. Really nothing more to say.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers.
Yone is good in every phase of the game so scalers or other champs that are good in one phase arent really ideal. Expect early games chapms espacielly in Jungle because Yones full crit makes him really strong in early and mid game. So you can win a lot sooner and scalers wont be able to scale so the match wont just resolve on wich team has more scalers. But he has good synergy with cc. So its okay.
Because he is an early game champ she can help Yone win the game really fast. So its okay.
She is good in every phase of the game. So its a really good synergy with Yone.
Yone is a great all rounder. He can get back into the game and is relevant in every phase of the game. He doesnt fall of. He is really fun and has high skill requirement if you want to get to better ranks. There is a lot to learn on Yone - combos, lane managment, diving... I dont really think he is good for new players because of his skill requirements. But if you know the basics you will have a lot of fun and enjoyble games with Yone.
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