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Runes: Good matchups
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Quinn with flash+cleanse=lost lane. Dont try to fight it and just soak xp without taking to much damage
Champion Build Guide
Any questions come and join renekton mains discord...
If you went for e+w go ahead and oneshot them now, with 50fury w.
When you're level 3 just dont be scared of comboing even if you're low on hp, just watch out for ganks.
If you still havent killed you're opponnent dive him after comboing him once. Renekton is such a good diver you just aa+w+e+q then e away from tower. When level 6 You can aa+w+r+e+q then e away.
After towerdiving the enemy you can either choose between backing or go behind the enemy tower and make sure that he wont get to the tower and collect the minions that easily.
You also want to invade enemy jungler when you have pushed the minions in and their not fighting, that way you can stop enemy jungler from snowballing and giving lead to enemy adc. Take herald if up.
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