Can E you through minions = death, at least her ult can be dodged..
If you dodge his Q he can't really do much about you without using his ult at which point you can just jump on a teammate to prevent death, but you can't run away from his ult which means if you get hit by it you are either about to spend 8 seconds not being on someone or someone will die.
Incredibly high damage mid game, if he buys oblivion orb early - you can't heal when fighting him until late game..
Slow + AoE CC very dangerous to be around.
Gravitum AA = unmissable Root = you die if he roots you before you jump on a friend
If he ults just as you fly from a friend to a new friend in a team fight you will die, thankfully most azirs don't save ult for you
0 CC but very high burst damage, you won't survive if she hits her abilities
Don't get hit by his knock up and you'll be fine.
You can W on a friend if he hits you with his W so if you for some reason lane vs him as support try to take the W hit for your ADC
If he hits you with his Q you are dead, if he uses his ult when you aren't attached (or flying to someone) you are probably dead, if you enter his AA range you are dead.
CC machine.
2 bandages + 1 button aoe CC
Stay attached until he uses his ult
1 button AoE CC in a straight line, if a draven has a brain he WILL kill you if you try to use your passive on him
safe to poke him on lvl 1-2, after lvl 3 dont get hit by his E
He also outheals any damage your Q can do after he buys scepter, until you buy purifier.
And he will outdamage your ADC even if you are ahead, until the 3rd item.
Evade her Q, try to not get hit by R, she has better poke and early game than you.
W is an insanely broken ability vs yuumi, if you detach to try and use passive and she uses her W, you get a full cooldown on it after you leave it.
Don't come near her when not attached.
CC machine, you can't really do damage to him early or late game even if you max Q (unless you are really ahead) but you will die if he gets to CC you.
You heal more and do more damage than him, just don't get hit with his Q stun. Sadly this is one of the few matchups where your team has to play around his ult
Teleports into your lane, fears you, kills you refuses to elaborate further.
Put wards in your bushes, not a real threat to you in team fights or while attached, but he can just appear suddenly and make sure you die if he catches you being unattached.
She will outdamage your heal before renewer, and after that she'll make you burn through your mana like crazy (unless your adc doesn't let her poke), you can tank her ult for your teammates almost always, and as long as you evade her yordle traps you'll be good later on
If she builds lethality she can 1 hit you late game.
Jarvan IV
Do not come near him if he has ult, 1 button CC will send you into a world of pain, also his E Q combo will send you flying into the fountain without colours on your screen.
Her only threat to you is the ult, so just try to play safer when she can ult someone into you.
Can root you through minions, outdamages your heals early game, if you can evade her root you should be good mid and late game.
1 button ult CC, very dangerous if you get caught in it while unattached.
Can hit and CC through minions, but the CC is quite easy to evade
His R is a threat but just dont come near him
Big damage + burn, evade her CC and you'll be good
Realistically she won't CC you but if you for some reason aren't attached when she ults you will die
Q is a joke but W can actually cause you to die, if fed can very easily eat you if you get stunned.
My favourite matchup, a good morgana will be a pain in the *** for your ADC but you don't have to worry about her until she gets burn and you decide to stay in her W.
If you hide behind minions you can get free passive AND if you're ahead and max Q you can often destroy her black shield with just one Q which leaves her (or her teammate) open :D
His Q is dangerous, but most zileans can't hit yuumi with two Q's, so if you see someone have a time bomb on them, either already be on them before they get hit with it or jump on them AFTER it blows up to evade any possiblity of a stun
A good karma is a major threat, if they tryhard and buy oblivion orb, and hit all Q skillshots you will have a very bad time because she will outshield and outmana you early game.
Dont get hit by Q
Unless she pops her ult on you the second you aren't attached she can't really kill you
Big gnar = Big CC, try to stay attached when he goes sicko mode
He can E through minions into you, does very high damage late game, and you can't save your teammate if they get into his ult execute range
Don't get ulted.
E is cancer, Q slows, R is CC, gragas will usually also get Everfrost = if you ever get CC'd by him after lvl 6 you will probably die, you probably won't see him on bot until you have items though so you can outheal his damage most of the time.
If ahead there is nothing you can do about his damage.
If not ahead you can troll him by breaking his barrels with your ADC since he has no CC you only risk a bit of damage.
Skillshot CC but you will die if she hits it
Smoke is a bit cancer but it doesn't put your W on full cooldown.
Big damage though
Skillshot CC
Don't stay in his granade thing
He can and WILL 1 kill you in one hit late game.
If he builds burn he will be a pain in the *** but unless you walk into his E he can't really kill you
You can't stop her from winning the game if she gets ahead
AoE Stun + Q = you can't run away
very big damage but if you don't get hit with the stun she can't really kill you
If you see her heart show up above you, just jump on a nearby friend and she stops being a threat.
She can burst you very easily late game or if ahead though, if she catches you alone.
if she hits you with her Q after lvl 6 you are dead.
Evade her Q and R or you'll die.
If he starts ulting while you are attached, you wll not take damage.
Invisible, big burst, W fear.
If he fears you, you will die.
She will outshield and outlast you in lane, HER ULT CAN CC YOU, also will do more damage with pix early game.
If he ults your friend you pop out and are left to fend for yourself, very scary if you sit on a hypercarry who pretends you don't exist and runs into the enemy team.
1 button CC, just stay out of his range
Lots of CC and damage but if you dodge his Q he can't really kill you if you have a teammate nearby to dodge his E with your W.
Sudden tornado can result in your death, her ult will put your W on cooldown, so keep that in mind.
She can also outshield your Q damage and will outdamage you with her bird
Very fast horse killing you at a very high speed.
If you see him coming, stay attached, if you don't see him coming you will probably get CC'd and die.
His ult is insanely broken, if he hits you with one, he can hit you with the other one for over 10 seconds of being forced to stay unattached.
Red kayn can CC you which is dangerous, blue kayn will kill your ADC and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Insane burst, mobility AND Grevious Wounds on her ULT = you can't do much against her.
Lee Sin
You can block Q that would hit your teammate, and attach to someone so he cant recast, his ult is CC so don't get hit by it and don't stay behind the person who got hit with it.
Lucian alone is not much of a threat if not ahead, but nami + lucian WILL outdamage, outheal and out CC you early and mid game, he also can burst down your squishy teammates even late game.
If he hits you with tornado or sees you CC'd you will die
IF he hits his abilities in lane, you will be out of mana very fast (as fast as him lol), if he's even he can't outdamage your heal late game.
Autoaim CC = you die
If kassadin gets fed he will outdamage any heals you do and there is nothing you can do to stop him.
Surprisingly difficult matchup, big and wide CC, and a very tanky champion can result in a very bad time for you at all points in the game.
Renata Glasc
Evade her Q and don't get ulted, you outscale her very very hard, and if your team has only your ADC as an autoattacker her ult is just a wider seraphine ult
If he's ahead he will burst everyone in your team down before you can even heal. Mid->Late game you need your passive shield up to even have a chance to save someone from his burst, but if fighting near a bush you can't save them usually..
Late game hopefully your team can outscale and play smart, but even then he's a menace.
2 aoe CC's, big damage, try not to get hit
Evade her fear and you'll be good
W deletes your ult and Q, if you get CC'd near her you willi die.
She will outpoke your ADC, and will outscale your heals very very late game (200+ stacks needed for her to be a real threat) as long as you evade the W she can't really kill you..
She will outdamage you in lane, and she can outheal your Q.
Her root/stun and ult are quite scary but unless you position very badly she shouldn't be able to hit either on you.
She will out damage you but she can't outheal you.
Tahm Kench
Don't let the fish eat you, W is death.
Cage is bad news but it doesn't force CC on you, so its not that dangerous if he has no friends nearby
He can CC you through minions and that will usually result in death, Q is dangerous but its not that hard to dodge, and you can walk into his ult with almost no risk if you have a friend to attach to nearby.
Outdamage and outheals early, outheals late.
If your team doesn't focus her, she can win the game with the heals after she gets warmog's armor.
As long as he doesnt knock you up you're pretty safe against him
Q will outdamage your heals pre moonstone, ult is a real danger but other than that she's not a threat
Dangerous CC, but after the mini rework he's more of a menace during teamfights.
Ice pillar puts your W on cooldown. you won't be able to run away if he focuses on you.
E is CC, insane damage at all points of the game.
Twisted Fate
Point and Click CC but unless you're alone in lane he can't really capitalize on it, if you have a friend nearby you can usually just hop on them and get stunned while attached.
E + W is really dangerous, grevious woulds on ult is also a pain.
If the person you're attached to tries to chase him just hop off and leave them, its probably the best way to get them to stop chasing signed.
Evade the knockup and you'll only need to worry about his ult while alone
Q + Ult = Menace, though usually sions will try to just perma push your toplane so you shouldn't see him much - still - if you do see him, try not to let him CC you.
We've got the zoomies!
Jhin players should love you, your Q enables him a W root which can often lead to a kill or a forced recall and your W AND E give him a big AD boost, and you give him MS which he just loves.
If you have a good irelia on your team, the enemies will not be able to win the game if you both get even slightly ahead and they dont play ultra safe.
Tahm Kench
A good tahm kench who is even with his top will be an unreal menace for the enemy team with you on him, realistically they won't be able to chase or kill tahm if you sit on him, but also you will have to just run run away because tahm excells at 2v2/2v3 and not 2v5's
High mobiltiy high damage and a hypercarry, everything you want.
Big heals big damage big cc, can be a real problem for the enemy team if he's even slightly ahead and he can 1v9 if you sit on him and play well.
You've got the zoomies, she will run around and delete obejctives and enemies if she gets ahead with you on her, a good jinx is one of my favourite teammates
Rengar is insanely broken right now, he can burst down literally every champion in the game in seconds if he's even slightly ahead, and you can increase that lead by just sitting on him.
If he ults someone while you sit on him you will jump out, funny troll.
unsurprisingly dog**** in One For All, you can't have more than 1 yuumi on a champion, and you can't nest yuumis.
Speed + reliant on being low HP for the max damage = you reduce the risk of him dying when going for those massive W plays.
Kayn will become unkillable if he's good. And if you sit on him he will just win the game faster
Master Yi
Every hypercarry loves a yuumi
Besides your ult you don't really synergize that well with samira's passive thing, but she's quite strong and can save you from being CC'd with her W
APC Brand with yuumi support can work quite well thanks to you increasing his ap by quite a lot, but probably won't work above gold
Dr. Mundo
Mundo likes the extra healing but he doesn't benefit much from your kit, and the enemy will just build more antiheal for both of you.
Big damage big guy, sitting on him late game is quite funny because he becomes almost unkillable.
Late game vayne can 1v9 the game but it requires her to be ahead and play very well.
Your team will love the utility that comes from you and ashe's slow.
Nothing special in lane though..
Big damage and she can force a trap root after you root someone with your ult
His kit doesn't really benefit much from you, chakrams like the attackspeed but other than that its just 200 years of game development here
Jesus is quite a weird case where sitting on him can be worse and better for your team at the same time, If he can get the revives while you are on him then it just allows your team to perma dive in teamfights, but if you sit on him and he doesn't kill anyone you probably should've stayed on your teammates.
Kaisa is quite strong and benefits from every part of your kit.
Having a Kalista ult you is quite scary, as it opens you to CC, but she can also save you from death with it AND she can use her ult without you having to detach first.
Probably better not to pick yuumi if your adc picks her before you in lower elo
Lilia loves the movement speed and AP AND heals she gets from you, you can annoy the **** out of your opponents if the lilia harrases them well.
Probably results in more mental damage than real damage though
A good sylas will become next to immortal with you on him
with you on him, trundle can't lose any fight vs up to two people
Vlad is a crazy synergy for yuumi, he gets more HP from the AP you give him, he's already a healing monster and will become immortal if the enemy doesn't build antiheal.
Late game kayle will 1v9 the game with you on her
High movement + big burst damage, you give her the heals she otherwise lacks.
You can teleport with him via his ultimate, tanks usually like yuumi heals
Nobody will catch you
Once zed gets a bit ahead, with you on him he will murder everyone
Warwick will outheal the enemy team, while outdamaging them.
Truly an insane pick with yuumi.
Become invisible with him for unexpected beatdowns
Karma is a surprisingly good teammate for yuumi, her shields mean you don't have to wate your mana to keep your teammates alive in short trades, she gives movement speed, has CC and damage.
Thanks to ezreal scaling quite well into the mid game, he will delete squishies
Shaco can 1v9 with you on him
Her E ghost lets you pop your passive in a safe place, she also benefits quite nicely from your kit, and can turn a lost game around if she plays well.
Insane heals and damage, requires a good player to become immortal though.
Since enemies will probably build full antiheal for him anyways, you will suffer when healing in a fight.
Upgrades your moonstone, has CC, and is a tank. My favourite toplaner
We've got the zoomies!
Jhin players should love you, your Q enables him a W root which can often lead to a kill or a forced recall and your W AND E give him a big AD boost, and you give him MS which he just loves.
If you have a good irelia on your team, the enemies will not be able to win the game if you both get even slightly ahead and they dont play ultra safe.
Tahm Kench
A good tahm kench who is even with his top will be an unreal menace for the enemy team with you on him, realistically they won't be able to chase or kill tahm if you sit on him, but also you will have to just run run away because tahm excells at 2v2/2v3 and not 2v5's
High mobiltiy high damage and a hypercarry, everything you want.
Big heals big damage big cc, can be a real problem for the enemy team if he's even slightly ahead and he can 1v9 if you sit on him and play well.
You've got the zoomies, she will run around and delete obejctives and enemies if she gets ahead with you on her, a good jinx is one of my favourite teammates
Rengar is insanely broken right now, he can burst down literally every champion in the game in seconds if he's even slightly ahead, and you can increase that lead by just sitting on him.
If he ults someone while you sit on him you will jump out, funny troll.
unsurprisingly dogshit in One For All, you can't have more than 1 yuumi on a champion, and you can't nest yuumis.
Speed + reliant on being low HP for the max damage = you reduce the risk of him dying when going for those massive W plays.
Kayn will become unkillable if he's good. And if you sit on him he will just win the game faster
Master Yi
Every hypercarry loves a yuumi
Besides your ult you don't really synergize that well with samira's passive thing, but she's quite strong and can save you from being CC'd with her W
APC Brand with yuumi support can work quite well thanks to you increasing his ap by quite a lot, but probably won't work above gold
Dr. Mundo
Mundo likes the extra healing but he doesn't benefit much from your kit, and the enemy will just build more antiheal for both of you.
Big damage big guy, sitting on him late game is quite funny because he becomes almost unkillable.
Late game vayne can 1v9 the game but it requires her to be ahead and play very well.
Your team will love the utility that comes from you and ashe's slow.
Nothing special in lane though..
Big damage and she can force a trap root after you root someone with your ult
His kit doesn't really benefit much from you, chakrams like the attackspeed but other than that its just 200 years of game development here
Jesus is quite a weird case where sitting on him can be worse and better for your team at the same time, If he can get the revives while you are on him then it just allows your team to perma dive in teamfights, but if you sit on him and he doesn't kill anyone you probably should've stayed on your teammates.
Kaisa is quite strong and benefits from every part of your kit.
Having a Kalista ult you is quite scary, as it opens you to CC, but she can also save you from death with it AND she can use her ult without you having to detach first.
Probably better not to pick yuumi if your adc picks her before you in lower elo
Lilia loves the movement speed and AP AND heals she gets from you, you can annoy the fuck out of your opponents if the lilia harrases them well.
Probably results in more mental damage than real damage though
A good sylas will become next to immortal with you on him
with you on him, trundle can't lose any fight vs up to two people
Vlad is a crazy synergy for yuumi, he gets more HP from the AP you give him, he's already a healing monster and will become immortal if the enemy doesn't build antiheal.
Late game kayle will 1v9 the game with you on her
High movement + big burst damage, you give her the heals she otherwise lacks.
You can teleport with him via his ultimate, tanks usually like yuumi heals
Nobody will catch you
Once zed gets a bit ahead, with you on him he will murder everyone
Warwick will outheal the enemy team, while outdamaging them.
Truly an insane pick with yuumi.
Become invisible with him for unexpected beatdowns
Karma is a surprisingly good teammate for yuumi, her shields mean you don't have to wate your mana to keep your teammates alive in short trades, she gives movement speed, has CC and damage.
Thanks to ezreal scaling quite well into the mid game, he will delete squishies
Shaco can 1v9 with you on him
Her E ghost lets you pop your passive in a safe place, she also benefits quite nicely from your kit, and can turn a lost game around if she plays well.
Insane heals and damage, requires a good player to become immortal though.
Since enemies will probably build full antiheal for him anyways, you will suffer when healing in a fight.
Upgrades your moonstone, has CC, and is a tank. My favourite toplaner
I've played yuumi for quite a while now and really enjoyed her. She's really really fun to play with a full premade because thanks to the fact that I don't have to focus on where I'm standing due to the ADC deciding where we are in the map, I can focus on looking at the map and giving my team some info, I can also ping missing enemies if the laner is not paying attention, and give warnings about that enemy jungler that appeard in our vision for half a second.
I've reached mastery 7 on 4 accounts before even finishing my placements.
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