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Rammus Build Guide by Zombie7776

ADC They see me rollin' , They hatin'

ADC They see me rollin' , They hatin'

Updated on May 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zombie7776 Build Guide By Zombie7776 1,433 Views 0 Comments
1,433 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zombie7776 Rammus Build Guide By Zombie7776 Updated on May 16, 2013
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Skill Sequence

You need at first one point in power ball to travel faster , in lvl 2 you need it in puncturing taunt to get your ad carry get some hits on the enemy carry , on lvl 3 you need to put it in defensive ball curl , to help you stay alive longer , and as we always do in lvl 6 , 11 , 16 we put the ulti
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The spells i always use are heal and exhaust , heal to keep you and your ad carry in the lane longer , and exhaust to help secure a kill , in being supportive tank don't use ignite because it will make you take the kill instead of the ad carry , and if you want to use flash instead of heal it is ok
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Unique Skills

The unique thing about rammus skills are to make your enemy hurt themselves , defensive curl ball returns 55 + 10% of your armor to your enemy , and puncturing taunt makes them attack you for 3 seconds .. Thats long enough for your ad carry to get a kill , and it reduces his armor by 30 , his ulti is tremors , tremors does 195 damage per second to your enemies and structures (towers inhibitors , Nexus , etc. ) combine these skills with thornmail you will make them feel the pain from the mighty armordillo
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Early game

In early game you should buy a cloth armor and 2 health potion , ( you should still have 105 gold in your pocket ) and your will be best at bot lane to help your ad carry get some kills , in lvl 3 you should be more of a threat , when you see the enemy carry being aggressive and trying to push the lane , ping your map so your ad carry can understand that you will go in and if you want to go in try to hit them with powerball (Q) , then use your puncturing taunt (E)and defensive ball curl(W) , and exhaust him so your ad carry can get a kill , when your in lvl 6 do the same and just add tremors , and if you want to initiate an enemy hide in a bush and use your powerball and wait for the powerball to load its power and then go in and ram the enemy and use puncturing taunt and defensive curl ball
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Mid Game

In mid game you should have gotten the thornmail , thornmail is the awesome item combined with rammus , the best thing about rammus is that you make your enemy hurt themselves .. , the defensive ball curl returns almost 100 damage per hit , and tremors does 195 damage per second , and dont forget about thornmail it returns 30% of their damage to them ..
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Late Game

Late Game , in late game you should have gotten all the items , and when you get all the items your almost cannot die .. Especially when you get the baron buff .. And in late game team fights try get in first as i told before so they focus you and not your teammates , and when in get in don't use your puncturing taunt or power ball , just use your defensive ball curl , you need to save your puncturing taunt to use it when one of your enemies trying to focus your teammates you can catch him with a puncturing taunt and also powerball have a small knock back to knock back an enemy when they're trying to focus your teammates , thats all the experience i have on rammus and if you have a suggestion feel free to comment about it :D , and send me some pictures of your wins with rammus :D , have fun and good luck :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zombie7776
Zombie7776 Rammus Guide
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They see me rollin' , They hatin'

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