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Choose Champion Build:
Classic Mid
Critical Strike Talon (For Fun
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hard lane to win without help. She has two lives.
Here are the masteries that we like to use on Talon![](/images/spacer.png)
Contrary to what you might think, for Talon, we should be going 12/18 rather than 18/12 Why? This is because the keystone masteries in the ferocity tree aren't great on Talon, and the cunning tree actually has a decent amount of damage. Not to mention,
Thunderlord's Decree
Stormraider's Surge
synergize well with Talon
5 points in Wanderer is going to give Talon a lot of roaming potential, which is what he needs to do in order to snowball.
Secret Stash
Unfortunately in Season 6, Crystalline Flask is no longer an option for Talon. This mean's we need biscuits to help us sustain in lane because the refillable potions for this season are NOT GOODI've found you can sustain fairly well in lane anyway.
Take all 5 points in Merciless, as extra damage is always good for Talon, and you'll be able to blow up squishies. This mastery helps you secure the kills you need, and assassinate low health targets quickly.
Dangerous Game
Very useful for staying alive after killing off your targets. Also, you don't need ambient gold that comes from Bandit.
Take this mastery over
Precision because it's armor penetration isn't a lot, and you'll be wasting the magic penetration. Not a whole lot of offensive champions can use the increased CDR cap, but Talon can.
Thunderlord's Decree
Stormraider's Surge
I prefer Thunderlord's Decree for the damage it provides, however Stormraider's Surge is viable. The thing is that a lot of times (especially late game) Talon acts as a Kamikaze/Suicide bomber. You go in an get the enemy ADC or APC, and you don't live to tell the tale. I'll leave it up to you based on your play style.
Sorcery Talon is an AD Caster and as such, he uses his abilities to deal most of his damage. He doesn't auto attack like and ADC. Remember Sorcery gives Ability Damage.
Double Edged Sword
Simple enough, you need to add damage, and you're melee. Better than the sustain from Feast.
The extra lifesteal is nice, but the main reason you take this is because
Natural Talent
is garbage. Especially on Talon, who's power is in the mid game, not the late game.
Take Oppressor because Talon's kit has 2 slows, and it's essentially a second MercyPassive. The 1% per unique champion kill is not worth it, as you may not be able to kill the enemy tank, and Oppressor is going to deal more damage over the course of a game.
Contrary to what you might think, for Talon, we should be going 12/18 rather than 18/12 Why? This is because the keystone masteries in the ferocity tree aren't great on Talon, and the cunning tree actually has a decent amount of damage. Not to mention,
Talon doesn't have as much outplay as
Lee Sin, or
Riven. However, he does have a few little tricks that can help you in 1v1 or 1v2 fights.
Talon's E Cutthroat is a quick blink, sort of like
Shunpo, except it's limited by the fact that it can only be activated on neutral monsters, and enemy minions and champions. While it is a great gap closer to engage a champion, it can also work effectively as an escape or juke in the correct circumstance. Here are a few ways you can use your E to maximize your potential in fights.
Light Binding,
Bouncing Bomb, or
Dark Binding. Talon's E is almost as important as
Tumble. If you use it correctly, you will avoid a lot of your enemy's poke, and even set yourself up for a counter attack. To do this, read your opponent's tendencies, and when you see the skillshot, E to a nearby enemy minion. From there, you can run away, or engage on the champion immediately to surprise them.
Rake right into your opponents face to finish them off.
Talon's E Cutthroat is a quick blink, sort of like
Cutthroat can be used to dodge enemy skillshots such as![](/images/spacer.png)
Sometimes, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. Whether it be the enemy jungler ganking you, or running away from the scene of the crime after a kill, you can use Talon's cutthroat to juke the enemy. To juke the enemy, you must feign running away in one direction, and then when you're just about to be outside of range for cutthroat, jump to an enemy minion/champion/monster in the opposite direction you originally decided to travel. It's important to point out, their must be an actual escape path for you in order for this to work. You must always be thinking ahead as Talon to benefit from an ability like this.Rake Pop
Probably my favorite trick using Talon's cutthroat. The "Rake Pop" is a way to snag a kill that is just out of your range. If you find yourself in a situation where the enemy is very low, but you just couldn't finish them off, and they aren't going to allow you to get close enough to cutthroat directly on to them, the Rake Pop is perfect for you. To perform this trick, you will need to start walking away form the enemy as if you're going to back off. When you see the enemy come up at all, cutthroat to the closest minion to them that's in range, and![](/images/spacer.png)
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