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Thresh Build Guide by DunkinDonuts9000

Top thresh top (not troll)

Top thresh top (not troll)

Updated on September 14, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DunkinDonuts9000 Build Guide By DunkinDonuts9000 7,056 Views 0 Comments
7,056 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DunkinDonuts9000 Thresh Build Guide By DunkinDonuts9000 Updated on September 14, 2021
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Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash

Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

thresh top (not troll)

By DunkinDonuts9000
what to keep and eye out for when playing Thresh top
This is a Thresh top build that exploits the buffs he got in 11.18 on his E and utelises the armor you get from your souls.
Therefor you want to focus on punnishing your opponant so that you can walk up to get your souls.

You have to be careful to use your Q in lane, only ever use it if you really bennefit from it, that means when the enermy in standing in your wave and takeing agro from minions, under tower, or when you are getting ganked by your jungler.

You have great synergy with your jungler, cause of lantern and setup with your Q and E, you can use the lantern to either get help from your team, or you can W your self so that you get the shield (also why you max that second). you dont really need the Q cdr

Your outplay potential is big with this build, you can never get towerdove with hook, w, e, r up. tategame you'll look forward to be hitting for 600 dmg on first aa from E. And be much more tanky than youd think ;)

lvl 1-6, you punnish your opponent when they try to farm, if you dont proc grasp and E passive, this whole playstyle falls apart. If you are succsessful in pokeing and farming, you can start to look at kills after first back, your pichaxe powerspike is big, and often times bruisers dont respect you, so you can just perma aa then till they get low, and if they jump on you, you just Q and then E to stop them.

most important thing with this pick, is that you cant just spam your QWE you have to use them when it makes sence, for example to stop an ingage, or to start and ingage. luckly this is no problem for Thesh since he is ranged and most toplaners is meelee and therefor lose to you by nature. and if you can keep that range with E and R, youll always win my nature.

if you fail to poke, you chill and farm, your souls give you a lot of onhit, so therefor its easy to farm, and you cant get towerdove thanks to your kit and HP.

Your lategame goal is to make picks and surprize enermies with your DMG and 1v1 potential. just like you wuld with supp Thresh, buut you are much more tanky, do a lot more dmg.

This buld is good at teatching you to bully in the toplane, because you will not have success if you dont, its important to keep up the pressure all game! and pretty obvious how to.

you can text me if you have any questions on the build or any improvements ;) ty
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DunkinDonuts9000
DunkinDonuts9000 Thresh Guide
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