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A lot of poke and utility, but pretty weak until level 3(Silence, shield, and slow.. Try to punish enemy lane hard at level 2.
Kill the lux.
That shield makes him annoying.
Good early damage, and good escape. Harder to secure kills in this lane.
Nami will keep you on your toes. One wrong move, and you'll lose lane.
Similar to nami, but squishier, and without heals or buffs for the enemy AD.
Skill matchup. It's possible to Arcane Shift and get caught by her E at the same time, and pull her under your tower, if possible.
Just really annoying. Hard to secure kills in this lane.
Kill this champion immediately.
Kill him immediately or he'll push you under your tower and drop bombs everywhere.
Annoying, and you have to focus your poke on this guy if you want to get anywhere kill-wise.
Pretty standard. Skill matchup. He'll make it a solo lane situation. Try to roam with your jungler and support to kill this guy.
Don't get taunted. His ultimate will more than likely be useless, but his presence could likely bring a tower dive to your lane.
Good to have on your team. Terrible to lane against. Focus the Soraka and drain their mana.
Like soraka, amazing to have on your team. Poke is annoying, and has heals for days. Kill Sona before level 6.
Tahm Kench
Keep your eyes on this guys. Hard to secure kills, AND prevents any sort of mid-range engagement. Worth a ban for sure.
He scales with the in-game timer. His poke is obscene. He brings a full kit of powerful support and damage tools to the table. Don't get hooked, or you'll regret it.
Beware of Draven + Janna, Thresh, or Lulu.
Will try to push the lane and put traps around your turret.
Kill Annie early. Level 1, if possible. Beware a full AP build on this support. The enemy ADC might even build a sightstone to help the Annie snowball.
You outdamage the ashe, especially if you can get your [[Arcane shift]]>[[essence flux]] combo off.
WTF champion. Just shut him down or he'll get cocky.
Miss Fortune
You outdamage her in a direct engagement, but her poke and ultimate are obscene if you end up farming under tower.
Pretty dependent on his support. Easy to dodge skillshots and hilarious passive.
Your passive is stronger than her Q passive. And your ultimate is better than hers.
I don't even know how to lane against this guy. His skillset makes it difficult to E-W combo, but his poke pushes the lane against his favor.
Kill him before he kills you.
Catch Quinn out of position before level 6.
Long range and ridiculous escape, but usually a go-to for last pickers stuck with ad carry role.
Those Armor Pen runes really start to shine here. He'll just try to zone you out and heal your poke.
Go face to face with this guy early on. He'll try to scare you, but his slow will scare you away. Try to bait him into going for a kill and wasting all his mana, then back for your [[Tear of the goddess]] when you're low enough.
Will try to outfarm you. Just kill Vayne. I'm sure your jungler will feel the same way.
Full combo will make quick work of sivir. Don't even use [[Mystic Shot]] to poke beyond level 1 unless it's on cooldown.
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