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Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
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. . . all I have to say is. . . squishy.
Welcome Ekko Mains to MEGAMBORG'S SUPER AWESOME MEGA OP EKKO BUILD! It focuses on Movement Speed and Ability Power. Hope you enjoy!!
The Runes that will be used in this build is the Sorcery Phase Rush. Phase Rush ties in with Ekko's passive,Z-Drive Resonance which gives him a speed boost after he has hit an enemy champion, monster, epic monster or minion three times. Phase Rush is a little different, only giving the speed boost and slowness resist after hitting a champion three times. Phase Rush doesn't work on minions or monsters.
The Ultimate Hat gives your ultimate cooldown reduction every time you use it. I find this very useful because Ekko's ultimate already has a pretty short cooldown being 110/90/70 seconds.
Transcendence gives 10% CDR (Cool Down Reduction) when you reach level 10. Any excess CDR will become AD or AP which is adaptive meaning the stat you upgrade more, the more adaptive buff you will get. This comes in handy if you are following these items because once you have the full build, you will have a bunch of AP.
Gathering Storm is kinda like Transcendence because it gives you AD or AP which is also adaptive, although this AD or AP buff is through the course of the whole game, not just one time like Transcendence. Just like i said with Transcendence, this also comes in handy if you are following these items because once you have the full build, you will have a bunch of AP.
Domination will either give you +15 AD or +25 AP which is also adaptive. Jeez there is a lot of adaptive runes here.
Sudden Impact is very useful for Ekko, as it gives him a burst of Lethality and Magic Penetration after using a dash, leap, blink. teleport, or when leaving stealth. Ekko already has a bunch of Magic Penetration so, prepare to become a troll!!!
Relentless Hunter is really good for Ekko and this build because it gives a PERMANENT, yes a PERMANENT speed boost when Ekko gets a unique kill/take down. Unique meaning if the announcer says "RAMPAGE" or "GODLIKE" and stuff like that. And Ekko wasn't fast enough with this build already. . .
The Ultimate Hat gives your ultimate cooldown reduction every time you use it. I find this very useful because Ekko's ultimate already has a pretty short cooldown being 110/90/70 seconds.
Transcendence gives 10% CDR (Cool Down Reduction) when you reach level 10. Any excess CDR will become AD or AP which is adaptive meaning the stat you upgrade more, the more adaptive buff you will get. This comes in handy if you are following these items because once you have the full build, you will have a bunch of AP.
Gathering Storm is kinda like Transcendence because it gives you AD or AP which is also adaptive, although this AD or AP buff is through the course of the whole game, not just one time like Transcendence. Just like i said with Transcendence, this also comes in handy if you are following these items because once you have the full build, you will have a bunch of AP.
Domination will either give you +15 AD or +25 AP which is also adaptive. Jeez there is a lot of adaptive runes here.
Sudden Impact is very useful for Ekko, as it gives him a burst of Lethality and Magic Penetration after using a dash, leap, blink. teleport, or when leaving stealth. Ekko already has a bunch of Magic Penetration so, prepare to become a troll!!!
Relentless Hunter is really good for Ekko and this build because it gives a PERMANENT, yes a PERMANENT speed boost when Ekko gets a unique kill/take down. Unique meaning if the announcer says "RAMPAGE" or "GODLIKE" and stuff like that. And Ekko wasn't fast enough with this build already. . .
OK so Ekko's abilities are really cool and they have a bunch of CC (Crowd Control) which means they stun, slow and have a bunch of affects. Now, I would usually up Ekko's Q
, Timewinder. But then I thought, "Hmm maybe it's better to up his E, Phase Dive First." And that was a very good decision. Well Done Me! Anyways, I also thought about Ekko's W
, Parallel Convergence, and that really isn't needed too much so it is the third ability to max. Ekko's Ultimate
, Chronobreak is really handy because it can heal you and also damage enemies. A combo that I recommend is to use your Q to slow and before your TimeWinder comes back to you make sure you use your E to dash to them, if they are too far don't worry, your E gives a teleport field to make you teleport to the enemy you want to attack. After that get in front of them (you should be really fast already) so you can throw your W where you are standing. Make sure to TIME it well (Get it? Ekko: the Boy Who Shattered TIME.) and use your Ultimate to Chronobreak through your Parallel Convergence therefore triggering it, healing and shielding you and damaging and stunning the enemy giving you a chance to come in fast and WRECK.

The most useful spells for Jungling would be Flash
and Smite
. Flash is great for escaping, going in and also triggering Sudden Impact. Smite is VERY essential for being a Jungler as you can only hit monsters with the default Smite. There are three versions of Smite. Default Smite, Chilling Smite and Challenging Smite. To get Chilling Smite you have to have any one of the Stalkers Blades. or Challenging Smite you have to have any one of the Skirmisher's Sabre.

Farming in the Jungle isn't very different from farming in lanes. To farm in the Jungle you have to take down the Jungle monsters. If you are on Blue Team go for the Southern Red Brambleback monster. Make sure you bring someone else to help you. After that go for the little Raptor things that are near Mid Lane. From there on out you go wherever you please. If you are on the Red Team go for the Eastern Blue Sentinel Monster. After that go for the Gromp (that giant frog) or the Wolves. Then you are finished.
So that's that i guess. I hope this guide was helpful for all you Ekko mains out there. If you want you can change some of the items on this build but I think this is a good build (not to brag). So yeah, make sure you enjoy the build, and go troll your friends or random people you don't know.
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