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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Even though this is a top lane build, it is pretty good in other lanes as well, as it gives good balance between defence and offence.
I hope you like it :D
When using this build, you need to play Yorick as an AD Offtank or AD semi-tank. It is most effective in Top Lane.
The order that you should get the items is:
Starting Items:
Boots of Speed
x3 Health Pots
Early Game:
Tear of Goddess
Mercury Treads
Mid - Late Game:
Warmog's Armor
Guardian Angel
Frozen Heart
Maw of Malmortius
In the early game, dependant on whether the majority of there team is AD or AP you should substitute Mercury Treads with Ninja Tabi. Only do this though if there are more than 2 AD on there team.
If you stick to the order of abilities, it should maximize the pushing power of Yorick early on making it easier for you to get more gold and ultimately gain control of the lane early on.
Yorick is a very strong pusher character, hopefully this AD Offtank/Semi-tank build helps you to maximise Yorick's offensive and defensive power.
The order that you should get the items is:
Starting Items:
Boots of Speed
x3 Health Pots
Early Game:
Tear of Goddess
Mercury Treads
Mid - Late Game:
Warmog's Armor
Guardian Angel
Frozen Heart
Maw of Malmortius
In the early game, dependant on whether the majority of there team is AD or AP you should substitute Mercury Treads with Ninja Tabi. Only do this though if there are more than 2 AD on there team.
If you stick to the order of abilities, it should maximize the pushing power of Yorick early on making it easier for you to get more gold and ultimately gain control of the lane early on.
Yorick is a very strong pusher character, hopefully this AD Offtank/Semi-tank build helps you to maximise Yorick's offensive and defensive power.
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