Very hard to lane against, but if you get ahead you can roll him.
This matchup is often dependent on skill & current meta. It can range from kha favored to almost unwinable. When Camille is strong, this is tough. When Camille is normal/weak, this is a fun skill matchup.
Cho is a tank with high base damage and many kill windows on you. If he lands a q he can often 100-0 you especially if he's building AP. If you can outplay the F outta him, you can effectively "farm" him with first strike + eclipse for free gold, but you gotta dodge everything to make it work. His sustain also makes it near impossible to get kill windows on him. Still, it's hard for him to force his hand so he's not an "extreme" threat.
Dr. Mundo
Farm passively till you get eclipse. Once you get eclipse, you can take short trades all day and you'll win. I go first strike + eclipse to get as much gold out of these trades as possible.
Play passive till 6, if he's not crazy far ahead you can easily overtake his power and farm him.
Skill matchup. Make sure to dodge w as often as possible as it is a huge part of her trading pattern. When you have a kill window on her, you can jump on her BUT DON'T USE ANYTHING and 95% of the time she will use w as a reaction, giving you a huge opening where you can fight.
If she gets ahead she can roll you, if you get ahead you can roll her. Skill matchup ultimately.
Just an annoyance. Can't let him all in you, but once you get w evolve you can stop him by w'ing him whenever he charges at you. Lategame he is absolutely shut down by your w since he relies entirely on movespeed, so I put this at even- since the laning phase is rough but the mid/lategame is horrible for him.
When he's in mini form you can jump on him and get very good trades off especially if you have ult.
Early game is kind of hard, and if he builds tank its a boring situation. Don't see this much right now though.
Early on you can fight him pretty well, but once he gets items you can never really engage on him since he will e you and walk away whenever you try to get on him.
Your short trades go way far in your favor, and she has trouble all-inning you due to your stealth.
Can be harder based on if she gets ahead/is strong/buffed at the time.
annoying. Will perma push you and has a good amount of armor. If you get ahead you can roll him, but its hard to get in that position.
Very annoying. Almost impossible to 1v1 at all stages.
Only reason this is not extreme- a strategy is to swap with your bot lane at lvl 6. You can pretty easily 1v2 at this point, so long as you play it well, and illaoi has no way to deal with ranged at this point so you and your bot lane benefit heavily from this.
If this doesnt happen though, she will destroy you.
Also not extreme due to it being difficult for her to really take over a game since she cant deal with ranged very well.
Sit back, relax, wait for 6, and at that point watch his brain cells disapear as you w him over and over again.
Most darius's will lose all patience and just flash ghost on you when they have no kill possibility, and legitimately chase you under tower and just die. I'm not even joking this happens in more than 50% of darius games.
If she lands e you lose. If she lands r you probably will get hit with e. You have to outplay everything to survive. Only way you win this matchup is if she has "irelia brain" and even then when she gets BOTRK she will win the 1v1 from 2 items down.
This matchup depends on jax's current strenght in the meta- and if/who gets ganks. Can go heavily in either sides favor. At lvl 6 you have to make sure to not get caught in a stun- fairly easy with w slow, your e, and your ult though.
Jayce SHOULD win this. Jayce players are not good though.
Once you are 6, look for him transforming. If he transforms from melee to ranged, you have a huge window to all in him.
When he is ranged, respect his all in, and you'll generally be fine. Also, his q e in melee HURTS, so watch out for that.
If the Kayle is a god you might have issues, but I rarely run into this. Your short trades are much better early on so long as you play them right, and once you get ahead you deal so much dmg to her.
At 6, you can juke out her ult with yours, and your ult is a much shorter cooldown so you have a lot of kill windows where she doesnt have R and you do.
At lvl 6 he will one shot you. You have pretty much no windows to all in him. He scales well too.
If you get ahead early you MIGHT be able to roll him, but it pretty much never happens for me.
max w, don't let him get off more than his q poke. You're both scaling - and are about as weak as each other in laning overall. If he gets off melee trades with you you will lose those though so don't let that happen.
This matchup scales with maokais current power, but generally you can outheal his poke and fight him once you get eclipse. Also, if he w's you while you're close to tower you can sometimes reaction-e him under tower and screw him over.
He out stats you in the 1v1. You CAN go q max and q evolve and see if you win in his realm, but I don't try that since its so int for the rest of the lane. He doesn't have a good way of forcing his hand though, so I would recommend just w maxing and sitting back.
You can pressure him pre 6 but once he hit 6 you won't win an all in and he can chase you down. Ask your jungler to help roll him, and you might be able to stomp him into oblivion. Other than that, just avoid fights post 6 and try to help your team.
Tanky with a lot of burst. Eclipse helps a lot here but the dude will still deal 80% of ur hp in one combo. Hard to force his hand, but he effectively outscales you.
He's strong early and can roam when 6. Once you get items you can poke out and go for all in trades in specific scenarios, but in most cases you'll want to play back and try to outscale.
has good burst, hard to poke or burst, lots of disruption. Not extreme threat since its hard for her to force her hand and you can sometimes win.
Pre 6 without your jungler not much you can do. Once you're 6, you have a lot of combat enhancement from ult + evovle, whereas she gets a roaming tool. If you get ahead you will giga stomp her, but that happens somewhat rarely.
annoying. You can't walk up to him since he'll 100-0 you, but you're much better in teamfights.
him healing 100% of the damage he takes and also dealing so much damage is kinda almost impossible to deal with. You have to giga outplay him.
her all in is crazy strong and almost impossible to poke her down. But this is EXTREMELY riven skill dependent, a bad one will be SUPER easy to beat.
your all in on him is pretty strong especially post 6. Main issue is that he doesnt ever run out of spells so you gotta be sure you can finish him in an all in. Poke works on him very well though.
stay barely out of his range and wait for him to misplay. Hold your e to dodge either his e or his w. Make sure he never gets a loaded w on you.
Short trades go in your favor once you have items.
Can snowball either way. Be prepared to hard push when he ults at lvl 6 as that is your only answer. Early levels he is strong due to his Q + ignite if he has that.
I put this at minor threat but for a beginner this might be an extreme threat. I don't know how to describe the delicate dance that is dealing with singed, but you can often end up in scenarios where he kinda can't play.
respect his all in dmg if he's not behind. Even building tank he can kill you from 50% hp if you're caught by a q or something at lvl 6. should be able to be agressive on him early, and once you get items - specifically eclipse if you get that.
dudes got 1000 abilities and his w will outheal your dmg in a short trade
Tahm Kench
mans got nerfed
go khamet for this since first strike is nearly impossible to use. If you get ahead you can roll him, but most of the time you'll have to give him what he wants and accept a lost lane.
will outscale you for trades pretty much no matter what, and heals through your poke with his passive. Sometimes you can get ahead enough to win, and early on a short trade will go in your favor if you can get out in time.
He is stronger than you early, but your ult effectively counters him. each rank you get of it increases the difficulty for him.
You can burst him and get him to pop ult, you go invis, he cant reach you due to w slow/jump/etc, you kite till his ult runs out and then kill him.
stat monster, if he hits e you die, otherwise just annoying to play against
she's strong early but you can poke her down once you hit 6 and have strong all in opportunities
keep going all in on him early so long as he doesn't have q2, you'll win the trades and eventually start winning
annoying stat bot, kite him out and try to annoy him like his name was darius.
you'll never get him to all-in range, but you can bait him under tower a lot especially with ult.
he's too strong in a minoin wave and you cannot poke him out
lethal tempo is broke, once its removed/nerfed i will change this matchup to "tiny" threat.
he non-stop pushes. Ask your jungler for help, but he will likely end up beating your face in once he gets an item or two.
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