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Choose Champion Build:
Add Some AP Into The Mix
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Maxing out q 1st is pretty self explanatory considering it is your main source of damage. I choose to max out e instead of w 2nd because not only does e's damage scale but it also increases the snare duration. I like to take ghost instead of flash because catching up to people with fling can be difficult when your trying to gank a lane that isn't pushed up. It helps a lot with disengaging too.
Boots - Simple, take merc if enemy ap carry is fed/if the enemy team doesn't have many AA champions. Take tabi if the enemy team has a fed AD carry or has a sated jungler. You can take swiftness if the enemy team doesn't have enough AD/AP to melt through you or enough CC for the tenacity of mercs to be needed.
ROA/Seraph's/Rylai's - This is your AP core. ROA provides a lot of helpful stats for singed. Seraph basically lets you have poison trail on infinitely and gives you ap off the **** ton of mana you have. Rylai's gives you a lot of AP, some more tank and scaling for Cinder, and a helpful slow.
Tank Items - Frozen Heart is a great item on singed. It gives you A lot of armor and its passive is extremely useful for your whole team. It also gives you a **** ton of mana which scales off your passive and seraphs if you chose to take that. I would always take it unless the enemy team has an extremely low amount of AD, which is not very common. Righteous Glory gives you a good amount of mana, lots of health, and, most importantly, an active that extremely helps with engaging. I would take Randuins if the enemy team has a 2 champions that crit (like yasuo or trynd on top of their AD carry) or if a vayne is wrecking havoc. I would take Dead Man's any other time because the movement speed really helps. Banshee's is your go to magic resist item. Not much to explain.
ROA/Seraph's/Rylai's - This is your AP core. ROA provides a lot of helpful stats for singed. Seraph basically lets you have poison trail on infinitely and gives you ap off the **** ton of mana you have. Rylai's gives you a lot of AP, some more tank and scaling for Cinder, and a helpful slow.
Tank Items - Frozen Heart is a great item on singed. It gives you A lot of armor and its passive is extremely useful for your whole team. It also gives you a **** ton of mana which scales off your passive and seraphs if you chose to take that. I would always take it unless the enemy team has an extremely low amount of AD, which is not very common. Righteous Glory gives you a good amount of mana, lots of health, and, most importantly, an active that extremely helps with engaging. I would take Randuins if the enemy team has a 2 champions that crit (like yasuo or trynd on top of their AD carry) or if a vayne is wrecking havoc. I would take Dead Man's any other time because the movement speed really helps. Banshee's is your go to magic resist item. Not much to explain.
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