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Kai'Sa Build Guide by WARAMogs

Support Trident Kaisa

Support Trident Kaisa

Updated on July 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WARAMogs Build Guide By WARAMogs 3,183 Views 0 Comments
3,183 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WARAMogs Kai'Sa Build Guide By WARAMogs Updated on July 5, 2024
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First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Jack of all Trades

Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

Trident Kaisa

Q needs 100 -> 56 (scales of level) AD to upgrade
W needs 100 AP
E needs 100% - 70% AS

This build gets you 125 AP + 88% AS (or 120 AP + 103% AS) to upgrade W and E while maxxing out on W and Q damage with AD

Q single target damage: 150 / 206.25 / 262.5 / 318.75 / 375 (+ 206.25% bonus AD) (+ 75% AP)
W damage: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 130% AD) (+ 45% AP)
Main build
- Stage 1: Hextech Alternator(or 2 Amp Tome) + Large Rod
This will give you 115(110) AP -> Upgrade W

- Stage 2: Shadowflame

- Stage 3: Muramana + Long Swords (3 max)
Muramana will give you 60 AD (35 base + 25 from passive [Biscuits give 120 max mana]) + 10 AD / Swords till you have enough for Q upgrade

- Stage 4: Kraken + Berserker
When you're done with this, you'll have enough AS to upgrade your E (40% Kraken + 35% Boots + 18% Legend: Alacrity + 10% Rune shard = 103%)

- Stage 5: 2 Long Swords -> Collector/Hubris
After you finish Long Sword, you'll have more bonus AD than AP (60 Muramana + 50 Guinsoo + 20 Long Swords = 130 > 120 Shadowflame so your adaptive force will now be AD. Collector will also give you 10 distinct stats from items (AP, Magic Pen, Mana, AD, Haste, MS, %MS, AS, Lethality, Crit Chance) thus activating phase 2 of JoAT, which will give you more AD (adaptive force) + Haste

- Stage 5.5: Vamp Scepter:
This will activate JoAT phase 2 if you went Hubris instead of Collector

- Stage 6: Bloodthirster

- Stage 7(final): Zephyr
vs. 2+ Tanks
- Stage 1: Guinsoo + Blasting Wand + Amp Tome
Finishing this combo will give you exactly 100 AP, not including adaptive force (19AP) -> W upgrade

- Stage 2: Manamune/Muramana
Muramana will give you 60 AD (35 base + 25 from passive [Biscuits give 120 max mana]) + 35 AD from Guinsoo = 95 AD -> Q upgrade

- Stage 3: Berserker
When you're done with this you'll have 25% Guinsoo + 35% Boots + 18% Legend: Alacrity + 10% Rune shard = 88% AS -> E upgrade

- Stage 4.1: Void Staff
Finishing Void if their Tanks start getting lots of MR

- Stage 4.2: Long Sword
Long Sword will give you enough bonus AD (60 Muramana + 35 Guinsoo + 10 Sword = 105 > 100 = 35 Guinsoo + 20 Amp Tome + 45 Blasting Wand) to shift adaptive force to AD -> more damage

- Stage 5.1: B.F.Sword -> Collector
After you finish B.F. Sword, you'll have more bonus AD than AP (60 Muramana + 35 Guinsoo + 40 BF = 135 > 125 = 90 Void + 35 Guinsoo) to shift adaptive force to AD -> more damage

- Stage 5.2: Collector -> Void

- Stage 6: Vamp Scepter -> Bloodthirster
Rushing Vamp Scepter will give you 10 distinct stats from items (AP, %Magic Pen, Mana, AD, Haste, MS, AS, Lethality, Crit Chance, Life Steal) thus activating phase 2 of JoAT, which will give you more AD (adaptive force) + Haste

- Stage 7(final): Zephyr
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WARAMogs
WARAMogs Kai'Sa Guide
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Trident Kaisa

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