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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
First guide so no flames please!
Greater Mark of Desolation:
Greater Seal of Malice:
Increases your crit chance, and should defiantly help out on your early game.
Greater Glyph of Clarity
A must have for Trist. With these, you should have no mana problems for harassing your opponents.
Greater Quintessence of Desolation
With these, you should have able to do some major damage to even the tankiest
Main Choices
Tristana is reasonable slow compared to other champs, so ghost will either let you chase down a fleeing enemy or make a clean escape.
A nice spell which will allow you to completely destroy a another champion 1vs1 (if he/she inst fed), also allows you to slow a champion down long enough for your teammates to go in and clean up.
If your having problems finishing off an opponent, ignite will do the trick. I usually combo this with Explosive shot so i know i can get that kill.
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