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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
I really enjoy to play Tristana she has such a hard burst damage,
I always think about why nobody plays Tristana mid.
+ High Burst Damage
+ Easy to escape with her
+ High Poke Skill (E)
+ Can use "W" right after a Kill or Assisst to make even more Damage or to escape
+ Can jump over Walls with her "W"
- Very squishy Champion
- Get focused hard
- When you used your Skills, you are pretty useless
In the beginning you just have to poke or harass your enemy with "E" and use "W" to pick up the kill easy.
When there is not really a chance of getting a kill save your "W" for escape when the enemy`s jungler appear.
When you have a hard lane buy some pink wards and work with your Jungler to get the enemy mid laner down 2-3 times then u should have no problem to kill him instantly.
As you reach Level 6 the fun begins^^
You will deal so much damage with your Ulti that the enemys just think "Oh what the hell was that!?"
Don`t forget that you can use your "E" and "R" while you jump/fly with "W".
You should play a little bit save in the beginning until you know how much damage Tristana`s abilities do, because its really bad when you use your "W" to jump in the enemys but then cant escape because it closely doesnt come to a kill or assisst, as I said Tristana is pretty useless with her abilities on Cooldown.
Bot feeded the enemy AD Carry well?
No problem for Tristana E+W+R= freekill
When there is not really a chance of getting a kill save your "W" for escape when the enemy`s jungler appear.
When you have a hard lane buy some pink wards and work with your Jungler to get the enemy mid laner down 2-3 times then u should have no problem to kill him instantly.
As you reach Level 6 the fun begins^^
You will deal so much damage with your Ulti that the enemys just think "Oh what the hell was that!?"
Don`t forget that you can use your "E" and "R" while you jump/fly with "W".
You should play a little bit save in the beginning until you know how much damage Tristana`s abilities do, because its really bad when you use your "W" to jump in the enemys but then cant escape because it closely doesnt come to a kill or assisst, as I said Tristana is pretty useless with her abilities on Cooldown.
Bot feeded the enemy AD Carry well?
No problem for Tristana E+W+R= freekill
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