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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just go cry in a corner and play passive. Wait for ganks and pray.
This is the first guide I have made so please leave some constructive criticism. I enjoy helping others learn from what I have done. I am also willing to play with anyone if they add me.
- Mobility
- Range scales
Draw a Bead
- self peel
- execute/knockback
Buster Shot
- Attack Speed Steroid
Rapid Fire
- Farming is easy due to
Explosive Charge
- Squishy
- Passively pushes
Explosive Charge
- Poor use of
Buster Shot and
Rocket Jump can get you killed

It is best if your support goes either

On a side note if you play Tristana top, which I have, take

This ability greatly increases your range every time you level up.

This is your attack speed steroid. With a

This is your primary escape/repositioning tool. The cooldown is refunded if you get a kill or assist.

This is your most important ability.

Your active shoots a sticky charge that attaches to an enemy for a few seconds. Auto attacks add damage stacks for when it detonates. If you use

The Passive part allows your to do some magic damage after you kill an enemy. This is beneficial for wave clear but gets annoying in lane when you try to freeze or cs under tower.

This ability can act as either an execute or as a knockback.
Execute: You can use

Knockback: Late game I find my self using the knock back to keep assassins off of me or to run away from persuers. This can also help you kite people who get a little to close.
During this time you should focus on farming. It will be difficult to win trades against many adcs due to your small range. You should wait for a gank or a good engage by your support before you do anything rash. Your standard trade will be
Explosive Charge then 1 auto.
Mid Game
Well unless you snowballed hard during the landing phase you will be pretty weak. The mid game is Tristana's worst time. She is in-between power spikes. I usually try to farm and take butter towers if they are still up. I'm very cautious about fights during this phase.
Late Game
This is reached when you have your 4 core items
Infinity Edge,
Berserker's Greaves,
Phantom Dancer,and
Last Whisper. At this point you pretty much melt everyone and your range is huge. Try to position to where you can put out the maximum amount of damage without dying right away. Remember you are useless to your team when you are dead. Try to force team fights and be the difference maker.
During this time you should focus on farming. It will be difficult to win trades against many adcs due to your small range. You should wait for a gank or a good engage by your support before you do anything rash. Your standard trade will be

Mid Game
Well unless you snowballed hard during the landing phase you will be pretty weak. The mid game is Tristana's worst time. She is in-between power spikes. I usually try to farm and take butter towers if they are still up. I'm very cautious about fights during this phase.
Late Game
This is reached when you have your 4 core items

Thank you for reading my first guide. I am considering adding explanation behind my runes and masteries but I feel like most people already have similar runes and masteries anyways. Let me know what you guys think and what I should improve or elaborate on. I am happy to friend anyone on Revetest if you add me and have fun climbing the ranks.
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