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Tahm Kench Build Guide by thereal_brofresco

Middle Troll Kench - How to deboost correctly in S7! DETAILED

Middle Troll Kench - How to deboost correctly in S7! DETAILED

Updated on July 22, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thereal_brofresco Build Guide By thereal_brofresco 14,526 Views 1 Comments
14,526 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thereal_brofresco Tahm Kench Build Guide By thereal_brofresco Updated on July 22, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Hello lovely reader and welcome to my Tahm Kench guide, My name is thereal_brofresco (bruh) and i show you how you can deboost/troll correctly with the ultimate King of Trolls himself. I'm currently D5 on my main account but mainly play on smurfs, for the best smurfing experience i get them to bronze 5 and even keep some of them there with constantly playing Tahm Kench this way. I totally played 500+ Games on 15+ Accounts using this "unique playstyle", currently none of my Accounts ever got banned, anyway i would'nt recommend to use this guide for your main account.


+ By far the best Champion to solo loose games without feeding intentional

+ You can deny two important lanes of your team by queing as mid-laner or support

+ Your Devour (W) "outsmites" your Junglers Smite on normal camps

+ Funniest Champion to play with while trolling/loosing games

Instead of most other champions with troll potential Tahm Kench can actually solo loose a Game by following the Jungler and stealing his camps. More details (very detailed) on how the playstyle works below.

- Constantly and effective trolling requires some experience

- You will get a ton of reports every game

- You will probably loose the promo of bronze players and they will send you death threats for that

- Some really hard matchups which can deny your usual playstyle

Those weaknesses should'nt stop you at all, just keep going and keep in mind that if you use this playstyle you will receive a lot of hate, try to avoid using the chat and never tell your team that you are actually "trolling" also you should never intentionally feed


So this is where the magic happens: The playstyle, in this chapter i will explain you detailed on how you play correctly and how your Jungler will probably react on you - and how you should react on his reactions.

First off all you take Teleport and Smite as your Summoner Spells, this allows you to steal your Junglers buffs and camps aswell as have map presence on following him or deny your Team in other ways. Its always a good thing to place a Control Ward in a near bush of the more imporant buff for your jungler, for example if the Jungler requires alot of mana early on place it near the blue off, otherwise near the red buff. In case you die and he happily decides to farm now without you, you can just teleport close to him. Also you need teleport for hard games and some hard Matchups (below there is a Matchup section aswell).


Before you que you should realise which roles you can take. I personally take mid or support (if i want mid i select mid/top because otherwise you will always be support), the reason for that is simple: If you get the mid-lane your team has no mid-laner and no Jungler if you do your work correctly - so two important roles are denied. If you get the support role it depends on your ADC, well mostly you can deny three roles with that because you ADC will loose his lane and probably feed, and you are busy denying your Jungler, but this way is a little bit more risky since for whatever reason people start playing better once they realise you are trolling, or the enemys just playing even worse. I also met lot of smurfs in my games which managed to carry the game as a mid-laner (in total around 8 games out of 500+).

Champion Selection:

Don't instantly ban a random champion, wait till one of your allies selects a champion and ban that one, but keep the priority order:

1: Mid (unless you are mid)
2: ADC
3: Jungler
4: Top
5: Support

This way you can tilt them even before the game starts, banning the champion of a player can cause different reactions: Mid-laners are mostly known for dodging the que after that and/or start insulting, ADC's usually just ask why you banned their Champion and select a new one, the reactions of Junglers are pretty varied, sometimes they dodge the que, sometimes they just insult/rage and select a new champion and sometimes they pick a troll champion. The other two roles actually don't really worth a ban and you should just ban their Champion if noone else selected one. For beginners with this guide i would recommend to ban the Junglers Champion so he will be probably already tilted at the game start and will go AFK faster, more on that later. Remember that every player is more or less unique so you can't 100% predict their reactions and its even harder to predict in the Champion Selection.


So, once you achieved to get ingame you start following your Jungler, put your first point in your Devour W spell, most Junglers will start at the Blue Sentinel (Blue buff) or Red Brambleback (Red buff) but in some rare cases they start for example with the Crimson Raptor, your level 1 W will just deal around 200 Damage to the Crimson Raptor so you probably have to use Smite there. The problem is that your jungler will have his Smite ready while yours is on cooldown so he can easily take the next buff, so its mostly a good idea to save your Devour + Smite till he attempts to clear a buff.

Important: Since you can not eat buffs you have to eat your Jungler instead (which makes stealing easier too) inside of you he can not use his Smite, don't eat him to early when you can't get the Buff low enough to smite it and obviously don't wait to long till he smites it away. Keep in mind that you allies can leave your Devour after a short delay manually so you don't have the time that the spell shows you.

Reactions of your Jungler:

Once you Jungler realises that you are "trolling" him which happens mostly after you took or attempt to take his first camp he will mostly react in 3 different ways, 1: He will just write something in the chat and attempts to continue farming 2: He will backport 3: He disconnects and/or uses his Summoner Spells or 4: He starts permanently ganking. I would recommend to read all of the 4 cases since they contain general informations aswell.

1: Some of them are just starting a back call and then abort it to continue with case 2 or 3, if so jump to that case, otherwise: Remember to spam your laugh (CTRL + 4) and wait till Tahm Kench actually laughed, then repeat it. Before your Jungler actually teleports away use your CTRL + 3 where he plays the song on his tongue. Once your Jungler is back at the spawn you probably successfully stole his buff, good job! Since he got nearly no Gold because he obviously doesn't earned any from the Camp he will buy nothing or just another Health Potion, walk in the direction of your base and wait till your Jungler decided which Camp he wants to clear next and follow him. Some Junglers will try to fill in your role, so for example if you were mid-laner they will go mid and try to farm there, and as supporter they will try to be the new support of the adc. This can also happens after a few Camps you stole from him and not instantly after the first one. If so just continue following him and steal as much farm as you can, you can use your Smite on a Siege minion (Cannon Minion) to secure it but don't let your Jungler bait it out so he just leaves the lane after you used it and then continues farming with your Smite on cooldown. If he stays AFK in the Base without the anouncement that he actually disconnected stay in the base with him, remember to move every few minutes/seconds so you dont get a AFK warning. I also recommend to laugh (CTRL + 4) at him every few seconds.

2: In this case he will mostly flame you or complain in any other way about you and what you did. Once he starts a new Camp your Smite will be on cooldown and his will be up (unless he fail smited or you failed stealing it), so use your W to take the big monster of the camp. This won't work against the Crimson Raptor early on since it has, in opposite to the other Jungle camps, Magic Resistance but most Junglers don't continue with the raptors anyway. Once you devoured a monster on level 2+ try to spit it somewhere where your Jungler can't reach it, for example in a longer path and then try to Tongue Lash it after that if you are not sure if the damage will be enough. You can also use your Tongue Lash on a monster followed by your Devour once it hits the monster to steal it over a wall or from further away. Also a good and faster steal combo is Devour followed by Smite on the monster while you spitting it out.

3: Ones he done that you actually tilted him extremely, well done! But there is one problem: If he disconnects to early your team can probably remake. This case happened so rarely that i can't remeber if it actually helped to Devour the AFK and drag them as far as possible out of the spawn and repeat - just try it out. If he comes back you can follow the steps in case 2, otherwise you can now use your teleport to enter the bot lane (if you were que'd as mid-laner or top) or the top lane (if you que'd as support) and try to spit your laner into the enemy, take their cs and just annoy them as much as possible. Most players are not that stupid and will let you spit them out, they will leave your Devour earlier and they can also decide in which direction they want to leave it. But some people don't get that they can leave it - if so abuse it.

4: Coming Soon...


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League of Legends Build Guide Author thereal_brofresco
thereal_brofresco Tahm Kench Guide
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