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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
How to Jungle like the KING!
Rule one of Trundle's Jungle, hit things! Ofcourse, you'll be starting blue, unless you're certain you can get a kill at lvl2 by starting red. What's so special about this build? Well, it's a fulltank trundle build that I, for one, enjoy very, very much. I'm not going to go over fine details, because I assume you actually know how to tank in the general sense. But for Trundle, it's different. Due to your massive regen capability, your ability to sponge damage, and actively nerf that of your target's, you make an excellent diver.
With this build, you can easily cap off at over 5K hp, with quite a silly amount of regen, dive through multiple towers, and crush their carries beneath your massive club, then leave, as their support mourns the loss of their beloved Ezreal, and their own jungler begins to rage as he notices you stole his buffs. It's just that simple. Raise as much hell as possible, stomp people, and remember; You're the tank. It's better the kills go to the carries, than you.
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