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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
To which I come is to propose a build in which seals in OP Tryndamere do more than normal, which is an advantage on top because if we do not have a good adc can count on our Tryndamere.
The first element (ravenaus hydra) is an important element because it is what helps us with the farm and earn gold, (giving my contribution to this build, whenever I've used this build reaches always complete, always in the case of the contricantes / partners do not give up)
In this build we give more importance to the attack damage to critical hits, which brings us to that when asertemos a hit, they're removing approximately 1K (1000) of his life.
Also you may notice that there are 3 last items added, this leads to 3 different game situations:
1) using guardian angel: we can proceed with your passive to be February 1 life or rather a last 2nd and 3rd avilidad life. Besides passive guardian angel that gives us armor and magic armor, which we will need when we have some opponents feed
2) the Bloodthirster: This item gives us a higher attack damage and life drain
which gives us a great veneficio to the hour of attack. This element is used when the opposing team does not have good players
3) last whisper: this item increases attack damage and armor penetration, this gives us the idea that it will be very necessary when you have a lot of thank feed or armor
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