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Choose Champion Build:
my usual build
ratatatatatatatata ad man
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
this only counts for the good yasuo players, because they can just get right next to you fast and block your only form of cc (W) with their windwalls. He can throw his tornado's at you and once lvl 6 you have to be really careful.
a little introduction
+ plenty of mana with your W
+ good ganking potential and partial escape with your ult
+ fun to play with
+ has ad and ap potential
+ if timed correctly, your w is amazing
if building ap and combining abilities, great burst
- squishy
- no good escape
- needs farm
- weak against champions that can easily get to him fast and deal a lot of damage
- if your w is down, no real cc available
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