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Twisted Fate Build Guide by TomTommer

Middle twisted fate mid guide

Middle twisted fate mid guide

Updated on March 1, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TomTommer Build Guide By TomTommer 19,382 Views 0 Comments
19,382 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TomTommer Twisted Fate Build Guide By TomTommer Updated on March 1, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    my usual build
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    ratatatatatatatata ad man


Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Minion Dematerializer
Perfect Timing


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

a little introduction

Hi! My name is TomTommer and welcome to my first guide. Since twisted fate is one of my fisrt champions, i decided i might share some knowledge with you guys. I always enjoyed playing this champ and every game i learned something new and good ways to improve. overall its a good and fun champ. But before you read this guide, i want to repeat myself and say "its my first guide" so please go easy on me. Tips and tricks are always welcome!
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Pros / Cons

+ a lot of poke damage
+ plenty of mana with your W
+ good ganking potential and partial escape with your ult
+ fun to play with
+ has ad and ap potential
+ if timed correctly, your w is amazing
if building ap and combining abilities, great burst

- squishy
- no good escape
- needs farm
- weak against champions that can easily get to him fast and deal a lot of damage
- if your w is down, no real cc available
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farming with twisted fate is one of the easiest jobs in the world. use your minion materializers on the minions (cannon>fighter>ranged minions) and just use your q to hit the waves in combination with your w aoe damage and slow. if you're low on mana just use your W mana regen card and get some back!
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early laning fase

In the early game twisted fate depends on just hitting the wave with his q and last hitting the minions for his passive to come off. until you got your stun card you can really onky do that. but after you get your stun card you can get garuanteed poke damage, aoe damage and the mana regen necessary to complete his kit. Also, dont forget to use your minion dematirealizer effeciently.
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mid game

This is when things are starting to pop off. Once you get your first good items and have your ult to gank with (always have good map awareness!) you'll do great things for your team. When building ap and you finishes your rod of ages and lich bane your damage will get great for burst potential so dont be afraid to give the enemies some damage sometimes. if you build ad, ganking becomes really easy and with the help of your stun card and your E your damage will be great and consistent. farming becomes easier and with the help of your kit your teeam will appreciate you.
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late game

this is when things are gonna get a little bit harder. Because you rely on burst (if playing ap) you cant always get all of the enemies, so you'll have to be really careful. your ult isn't always that good in the late game because most of the time enemies become one group and twisted fate isn't the best for dealing with groups. in teamfights, try to stay in the backline and use your W aoe slow and Q cards to get nice damage if you're building ap. if building ad, you'll have to be more careful since you'll have to get close to your opponent so having other players that tank or support you in your machine gun damage is really nice.
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Well, i hope you all enjoyed my very first guide on my very first champion i ever bought. tips are always welcome and i'll always try to improve (including my English). i want to give my special thanks to Kihl and Vapora for inspiring me to make this guide. I'll hope you'll do great with the help of this guide. have fun!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TomTommer
TomTommer Twisted Fate Guide
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twisted fate mid guide

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