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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Build
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order E>W>Q
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You're pretty vulnerable to all-in champs so positioning is important.
Your W makes it harder for enemies to escape Jhin's traps as well as allows him to land his W more easily.
Your W makes it harder for enemies to escape Jhin's traps as well as allows him to land his W more easily.
Champion Build Guide
+ Surprising amount of early game damage + Can safely ward jungle/river with invisibility + Dishes out insane amounts of healing + Unique and rewarding playstyle + Excells in longer teamfights All in all, ![]() |
- Is very squishy so positioning is important - Is difficult to lane against CC champs - No hard CC, only slow - If you don't complete your support item quickly you'll be useless - Ultimate has no use if not using the hybrid variant other than to keep up moonstone renewer He's pretty difficult to play if you actually want to contribute to your team but, he can be very rewarding if you put the time into him. |
The goal here is to get moonstone renewer by about 11 minutes in or so to start healing as soon as possible. As a general tip you can back in stealth by pressing Q and then B immediately after. Make sure that you are warding things like drake or the occasional enemy jungle by using your Q. Vision is very important!!!
If you're playing the hybrid variant, your positioning matters even more. You should be prioritizing the squishy targets and main damage dealers. Flanking with your Q is essential if you want to get the most damage in. Ward any flanks around you to make sure it's safe for you to go in. Your R can do an insane amount of damage when you have nashors. Let your teammates initiate fights and follow up with them.
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