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Twitch Build Guide by Esan069

ADC Twitch: Sniffing Around where You Don't Want to [S3 Updated]

ADC Twitch: Sniffing Around where You Don't Want to [S3 Updated]

Updated on May 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Esan069 Build Guide By Esan069 1,978 Views 0 Comments
1,978 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Esan069 Twitch Build Guide By Esan069 Updated on May 11, 2013
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As a prominent adc player, I love Twitch. He's an incredibly potent champion if played correctly. This guide will hopefully help out aspiring Twitch players.
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Runes are typically very simple for Twitch. Just grab flat attack damage quints and marks, armor seals, and magic resist glyphs. This will give twitch base strength as well as a little durability.
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As for masteries. You want to go for the same thing. Almost like a glass-cannon build but with a little durability so you survive a bit longer in the fields of justice.
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Pros / Cons

*Very Agile
*Able to duck in and out of team fights
*Poison is very irritating
*Insanely fast attack speed

*Squishy as hell
*Very slow and hard early game
*Needs a tanky support to work with (Leona, Taric, Alistar)
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Ranked Play

Twitch counters many popular Champions
Such as:

Miss Fortune
and Ashe

However, He is also countered by alot of other champs
Such as:

and Corki
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When farming as Twitch make sure to hit minions and least once and wait until they're at least half health. Then, hit expunge and watch the money roll in. This doesn't always work and you have to be mindful of all the minions health but, you're guaranteed to get money every time.
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Yes Ambush gets its own chapter. Why? Because it is the main reason why I love this champion. Using ambush is tricky but very fun to use. When going into team fights, make sure to be cloaked until you see a champion with 1/2 or less health. That is when you use the 40% attack speed buff from Ambush and expunge to finish them off. With Items like Runaan's Hurricane and Phantom Dancer this skill makes Twitch a force to be reckoned with.

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Team Work

Team work is key for every AD carry. But Twitch especially needs a good team. Twitch is incredibly squishy so he need nice, tanky, distractors to draw the attention from him so he will be able to easily pick off enemies from afar.

Champions that work well with Twitch include:]
Jarvan IV
and Nautilus

When Deciding for an Support with Twitch go with:
Nunu & Willump
and Thresh

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In conclusion, Twittch is a highly mobile glass cannon adc with some serious hygiene issues. But really, Twitch is very fun and challenging to play. Hopefully this guide has helped you aspiring Twitch players. Thank you for the support and have a nice day.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Esan069
Esan069 Twitch Guide
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Twitch: Sniffing Around where You Don't Want to [S3 Updated]

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