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Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
Very hard matchup.Play safe and wait for ganks.Lee can easily spot u while you are stealthed with his Q and E.Lee has lotta sustain and outplaying potential.When u will leap on him he will just kick u or dash to minion.In this situation focus on roaming down mid after you can try to 1v1 lee.
Q->E->Q->W - Lane combo
Stack ferocity to 5->R->Q(while stealthed)->(Q after stealth)->E->W->Q - Early/Mid game kill combo
Stack ferocity to 5->R->Q(stealthed)->Yoummu->Sword of divine->Leap with Q->Q(after stealth)->Hydra->E->W->Q - Late game bursting combo
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