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Pyke Build Guide by pennymagician

Support Ultimate Pyke Support Guide

Support Ultimate Pyke Support Guide

Updated on July 27, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pennymagician Build Guide By pennymagician 19 2 48,017 Views 2 Comments
19 2 48,017 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pennymagician Pyke Build Guide By pennymagician Updated on July 27, 2019
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Runes: Runes

Second Wind

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Ultimate Pyke Support Guide

By pennymagician
Ultimate Pyke Support Guide
Hello I'm a Pyke main and have been playing him since his release, I think I'm pretty good at him and I want to show you guys how to win ranked solo queue with Pyke support and carry the game. This is my first ever guide on Mobafire, so I hope you enjoyed it and learned to play Pyke support.
Pyke wants to start with Aftershock because Aftershock is super strong on Pyke, as he has two ways to proc it, with his Bone Skewer and Phantom Undertow. Next you want to go Demolish because Demolish helps you get turrets, which is really good early on in the game to help get extra gold from turret plating. Next you want to go Second Wind, as it helps to stay healthy in lane from poke supports. Finally you want to go Revitalize because it increases the healing from your passive which is really helpful in lane. For your Secondary path, you have many choices, but I like to go Domination because it helps with your burst damage. In the Secondary Path, you want to go Ultimate Hunter because it makes Death from Below have a really short cooldown, which is really good on Pyke as Death from Below is really strong. For your last rune, you want to go Sudden Impact because it offers some nice lethality which helps Pyke's burst in lane, and it can easily be used by Ghostwater Dive, Phantom Undertow and Death from Below.
Summoner Spells
The two summoner spells you usually want to go on Pyke are Flash and Ignite. Flash is a summoner spell that you always want to go on most champs in almost every game, Ignite will help increase the pressure and kill potential you have in lane, which will really help you out. But if the enemy team has a lot of assassins that might be able to 1-shot your adc, then you might want to go Exhaust instead of Ignite, just so your adc can stay alive and peel them easily, so you guys won't feed a lot.
On Pyke, you want to max out your Bone Skewer first, as it is your main ability for starting an engage and getting kills. You want to use Bone Skewer to start your combos, as it brings them closer to you and your adc, and away from the other enemy. Which will make it much easier for you guys to get a kill or burn a summoner spell or two.
You want to max Phantom Undertow second, as it is useful to get out of bad situations, for example if your getting ganked. Phantom Undertow also helps with your engage and your combos, you can Bone Skewer them to you, then Phantom Undertow them which will guarantee to hit them because of the 90% from Bone Skewer, unless they burn a flash. Phantom Undertow and Bone Skewer roughly do the same damage.
Lastly, you want to max out your Ghostwater Dive last as it doesn't offer any damage or help to your combos, all it does is it helps with your roams which is quite useful, it help you to get out of bad situations with Phantom Undertow, which will guarantee an escape as Ghostwater Dive gives you a camouflage and a speed boost, combined with the dash from Phantom Undertow. Ghostwater Dive also helps you to land your Bone Skewer more easily as they don't know where you are because your camouflaged, which will suprise them.
Finally, you want to max Death from Below whenever you can because it's your ultimate and it goes on a much shorter cooldown with each point. The execute damage from Death from Below increases with your actually level and not the amount of times you put a point on the ability.
When playing Pyke support, your starting items should either be Relic Shield or Ancient Coin, and two Health Potion. I would recommend going Relic Shield over Ancient Coin because you can help the adc get cs with Relic Shield, it helps to push the wave and it provides health, which transfers to a decent amount of attack damage.
Mobility Boots are the boots you want to get on Pyke because it will drastically help with his roaming and helps him to get back to lane faster after recalling.
Your two essential items are Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade of Draktharr because they provide a good amount of cooldown reduction, damage and lethality, which really helps Pyke because most of his abilities scale off lethality. Ghostwater Dive increases the movement speed bonus by 1.5% for every 1 point of lethality. Phantom Undertow increases the stun duration by 0.1 seconds for every 10 points of lethality, and finally Death from Below increases the execute threshold and damage by 1.5 damage for every 1 point of lethality.
For your luxury items, you could go Edge of Night, for the extra lethality, which will scale well with your abilities. Guardian Angel is also a nice pick, as it offers some defense stats and some attack damage. Also lets you revive in the middle of the teamfight, which can be game changing. Black Cleaver is also good is certain situations as it offers some nice stats and a nice passive that lets you reduce their armor. Maw of Malmortius is really good if the enemy team has lots of ap champs on their team, it has decent damage, strong magic resist and really good cooldown reduction.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pennymagician
pennymagician Pyke Guide
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Ultimate Pyke Support Guide

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