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Runes: high elo fisting enemy
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
early game fister
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Fury of the Dragonborn (PASSIVE)
Shyvana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
I am a 2000 LP challenger shyvana one trick with other a 70% on her.
AP vs AD
AP is the only build that real humans go. If you go AD shyvana you are a quirky loser who wants attention in the game and are on /r shyvanamains. Cringe bastards go AD, if you want to win, then AP is the only way to play until they rework her.
how to win
counterjgling xd
early game
full clear first clear. look at lanes frequently to take kills with ignite. soak minion exp for quick 6. start red, go krugs, raptors, wolves blue, gromp. If you are scared of getting fisted by enenmy jgler, then you can go red krugs, blue, gromp, wolves, raptors, into scuttle. Never get double scuttled by enemy jg or u are gapped.
how to do stuff
perma farm
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