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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Standard Spells
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Hello, my name is Night Hour, a high elo Diamond Xayah 1 Trick. I have peaked D1 promos(top 0.2%) in Season 9. I was originally bronze in season 4 as my starting rank for almost a year. After 3 years of play(during Xayah’s release season) I reached diamond and have been diamond with her Xayah the last 4 years. I currently stream Xayah daily @ as I pursue masters+ for next season, but enough about me. I am here to teach you how to play the legendary vatsyayan rebel, Xayah
Hello, my name is Night Hour, a high elo Diamond Xayah 1 Trick. I have peaked D1 promos(top 0.2%) in Season 9. I was originally bronze in season 4 as my starting rank for almost a year. After 3 years of play(during Xayah’s release season) I reached diamond and have been diamond with her Xayah the last 4 years. I currently stream Xayah daily @ as I pursue masters+ for next season, but enough about me. I am here to teach you how to play the legendary vatsyayan rebel, Xayah
Xayah Lane Phase
Xayah wants to use her q punish enemy on last hits or miss positions to create a hp advantage while shoving them under the wave. If she is able to create an hp advantage is able to set-up her feathers to poke her opponent under turret or all in under enemy last hits minions . In a bad match-up xayah can farm with q when she can. Let the wave push and look for mistakes/ team mates ganks which can set her up for success.
Xayah Early Mid Game
Early mid game xayah wants to rotate around in the map looking for outer turrets favorable skirmishes/duels, and winnable dragon cs all while shoving waves into the opponent turret.
Xayah Late Mid Game
Xayah Late Mid 20 - 25 mins - if the laning phase and early mid . Xayah should have 8 - 11 cs will be able reach 2-3 items. This is were she begins to achieve carry potential in fights. You should be ready for key game deciding fights and use all of the acquired gold and flashy feather mechanics to impact these here.
Side note: If your team is giga griefing and trolling not trying to contest these and you yourself cannot carry these situations deviate to farming and cross map plays to trade for these objects. These trade may not for equal value but it will give your team the best win for a loss situation
Side note: If your team is giga griefing and trolling not trying to contest these and you yourself cannot carry these situations deviate to farming and cross map plays to trade for these objects. These trade may not for equal value but it will give your team the best win for a loss situation
Xayah Late Game
- Oh baby it carry time~ At this is the point in the game where u can 1 v 9 and really show the power of the xayah. You should be between 4 and 6 items 80% - 100 crit. This when xayah carry potential spikes highest and the point where she becomes of the strongest champions in the entire game. Core items complete and strong defensive choices which lets her counter what the enemy wants to do. Even though xayah lack the initiative power of other adcs she has the one of the best self peel in the game. By autoing she can u her e to keep threats at a comfortable distance and control the fight. She is arguably the best front to back adc teamfight in the game with the safety or ult and e self peel. At this point looks for fights and don't throw and get caught.
Xayah Super Late game
Xayah super late 45 - Xayah is still a beast at this point but it isnt really about her anymore due to everyone reaching their full items. She will still likely be one of the strongest if not the strongest member on her team. Team comp, getting picked, or bad team wide macro decision control become larger factors at this point in the game. If you the game reaches most likely the game was wildly back with many throughs and miss opportunities to carry the game. Playing smart here, avoiding throws, looking for picks, communicating with teammates, and mechanics will help u get passed this and win the game.
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