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Gangplank Build Guide by utramacnuss

[ultramacnuss's Quality Content] GANK the Plank!!!

[ultramacnuss's Quality Content] GANK the Plank!!!

Updated on December 30, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author utramacnuss Build Guide By utramacnuss 3,132 Views 0 Comments
3,132 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author utramacnuss Gangplank Build Guide By utramacnuss Updated on December 30, 2017
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I main Gangplank long ago, but not anymore. He was the best champion/clear at farming in game. In late game he is the king of barrel poking and crits.

Short Story

I once saw a pro mastery level 7 Gangplank and he loved crits. He always told me that, "I'am going to go 100% crit Gangplank so help feed me". He was a great leader. This story was long ago, so I forgot his name but thanks for inspiring me =D
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Item Sequence+Guide

Beginning Item

Beginning of the game, buy Doran's Blade+ Health Potion. IT gives you damage, and sustain. If low in lane, use Health Potion to recover a bit of health.

If you go against champion with a lot of harassment, buy Doran's Shield+ Health Potion. These are for a lot more protection and sustain in lane.

1st Back

When you recall the 1st time, buy Sheen, and if affordable buy Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads depending on who is against you.

Sheen provides cooldown reduction and mana to spam your Q Parrrley, because you waste lots of mana.

But if you don't like spamming Q Parrrley, buy Phage for health and more damage.

Note: It doesn't matter later on because you'll still have it with the Trinity Force.


Trinity Force makes Gangplank better. It improve his damage, sustain, cooldown reduction, and increase of mana capacity.

Infinity Edge provides the most crits for Gangplank

additonal item

These items ( Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rapid Firecannon, Mortal Reminder, and Phantom Dancer) are what I recommend for Gangplank.

Youmuu's Ghostblade provides damage and cooldown reduction which is important for Gangplank's build, especially his E Powder Keg.

Rapid Firecannon more crits for Gangplank

Mortal Reminder gives Gangplank amour penetration and more damage

Phantom Dancer this gives Gangplank the most crits because it has one of the most crits in game. This item is very good for Gangplank's E Powder Keg.
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Tips and Tricks

I have a some tips that I learned myself.

When using Powder Keg, be aware of enemy last hitting your barrels. They don't explode. Instead they get free money.

If you want to damage some enemy or long range last hit,

place first barrel away from minion wave > when first barrel ready to explode > place second barrel in linking range > Q Parrrley the first barrel > enemy and minions that damage.
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Gangplank is master of farming but you have to place his barrels right to earn the money we wanted. Thank you for reading the guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author utramacnuss
utramacnuss Gangplank Guide
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[ultramacnuss's Quality Content] GANK the Plank!!!

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