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Can you update the itembuilds since
nice guide man i vote it.the only problem i see is that you go out of mana a lot, you need to add some mana reg item
Philosopher's Stone (and
kudos, +1
Thanks for helping...+1!!!
At lvl 18 I had 3k health and 130 Armor and MR.
Nice build,
ONLY Randuin's Omen instead of locket
locket is useless
it gives your team more health and can easily change the out come of a team fight and hp gives you sustain
ONLY Randuin's Omen instead of locket
locket is useless
I do have to agree that Wit's End is probably not the best item if you plan to build Kayle pure tanky support, though. Aiming for more CDR or another aura (Frozen Heart was a good suggestion) seems like a better idea.
This guide is definitely a good start but why did you put any points towards an armor penetration and attack speed. Doesn't it make more sense to put the points into defense or mana regeneration. The items you put them on the list are really good except the for wits end it does not help the to build instead going for frozen heart makes a lot more sense. Also there's no reason to get Attack Damage of ruins or Ability power instead defense and mana regeneration would probably go longer way towards being a support. But still +1
They actually used to be those, but I changed them because I wanted to harness