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Kayle Build Guide by Halipupu

Underestimated: Tank Support Kayle (S3)

Underestimated: Tank Support Kayle (S3)

Updated on August 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Halipupu Build Guide By Halipupu 245 37 1,767,940 Views 132 Comments
245 37 1,767,940 Views 132 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Halipupu Kayle Build Guide By Halipupu Updated on August 9, 2013
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Neirith (1) | August 8, 2013 1:14am
Hey, awesome guide!

Can you update the itembuilds since Runic Bulwark is removed? What to pick in its place?
iceman46 | February 20, 2013 11:24am
need a new update wit recent item stat changes otherwise best support champion for me with this build :D
Halipupu (58) | February 16, 2013 7:01am
plagios2 wrote:

nice guide man i vote it.the only problem i see is that you go out of mana a lot, you need to add some mana reg item

Philosopher's Stone (and Shurelya's Battlesong) provide mana regen. Usually I don't have problems with mana, but if you have I'd suggest getting Chalice of Harmony, then getting Mikael's Blessing.
plagios2 (1) | February 12, 2013 9:54pm
nice guide man i vote it.the only problem i see is that you go out of mana a lot, you need to add some mana reg item
Znikii | January 24, 2013 4:03pm
hey, while i play kayle full suppprt 0/9/21, i got my basic idea how to build and play it on your guide. With every game im getting better. The only cons is slow early game (if you can't properly comunicate with team) and relatively low end game dmg, but that doesnt really bother me since you bring a lot of utillity and just wins the the day with slow/heal+speed/shield and item auras.

kudos, +1
Kalurra | December 6, 2012 4:25am
Your Guide is quite simple and its Awsome for rookies like me!
Thanks for helping...+1!!!
Jusfang el manco | November 6, 2012 3:05pm
Nice guide, I felt like supporting with kayle today and did very well 0/0/22.

At lvl 18 I had 3k health and 130 Armor and MR.
free009 | November 5, 2012 12:57pm
Cr00ve wrote:

Nice build,

ONLY Randuin's Omen instead of locket

locket is useless

it gives your team more health and can easily change the out come of a team fight and hp gives you sustain
Cr00ve (1) | November 5, 2012 12:22pm
Nice build,

ONLY Randuin's Omen instead of locket

locket is useless
swift_icarus | October 13, 2012 9:44am
i created an account to upvote this guide. this is how i like to play kayle - it seems all the top rated guides are jungle or carry. no one wants to do unglamorous stuff like tanking or supporting. great job. my one comment is i'm a big fan of the Q skill but you make an interesting argument to go for E first. will have to try it out.
Jaredharper | October 6, 2012 6:40am
I don't normally reply to guides or anything, but I thought I'd post my scores. They're mainly thanks to you. Very effective guide!

I do have to agree that Wit's End is probably not the best item if you plan to build Kayle pure tanky support, though. Aiming for more CDR or another aura (Frozen Heart was a good suggestion) seems like a better idea.
Halipupu (58) | October 4, 2012 5:33am
free009 wrote:

This guide is definitely a good start but why did you put any points towards an armor penetration and attack speed. Doesn't it make more sense to put the points into defense or mana regeneration. The items you put them on the list are really good except the for wits end it does not help the to build instead going for frozen heart makes a lot more sense. Also there's no reason to get Attack Damage of ruins or Ability power instead defense and mana regeneration would probably go longer way towards being a support. But still +1

They actually used to be those, but I changed them because I wanted to harness Kayle's early game harass power. The AD runes work well for that purpose, but maybe I should change the AP, because it doesn't help all that much early. When I have more time and interest I shall check out better combinations.
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