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Singed Build Guide by iGOAT

Unique Solo Top Singed Guide!! (Dyrus Inspired :D)

Unique Solo Top Singed Guide!! (Dyrus Inspired :D)

Updated on July 15, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iGOAT Build Guide By iGOAT 4,092 Views 0 Comments
4,092 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iGOAT Singed Build Guide By iGOAT Updated on July 15, 2012
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Welcome to my Singed Solo top guide. Singed is an AP-Tank that is great for soloing top. Singed excels in areas such as farming, trade-offs, and never dying. Although he may not be the best option in a team fight, he can easily win his lane, and harass enemy jungle camps.
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Masteries/Runes/Summoner Skills

Singed is a very tanky champ, which is why I take tanky masteries and runes. Since Singed can be a decent initiator, I like to take movement speed masteries and ghost. Combined with his ult, and items, it'll be a pain to kill Singed. He can run into the enemies and fling someone back towards his team for an easy kill.
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Most players that play Singed will grab a RoA instead of a Frozen Heart. It really depends on who you're going up against. If you're against a team with a lot of AD, then its probably best to grab Frozen Heart. This item plus randuin's and exhaust, will make any AD range useless when used properly.

Philosopher's Stone & HoG
These two items are great on Singed. The Philo stone provides great sustain in lane and the heart of gold can later be built into a Randuin's Omen while also providing health earlier game. These two items will give you tons of gold and put you far ahead of the game. Your support will most likely get the same two items so you should sell your philo stone later in the game. Keep the Heart of Gold and build it into a Randuin's. It has a great active and provides a good amount of armour. With your full build, Singed should be pretty close to invincible :D
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Farming with Singed can be one of the easiest things in the game. Although it isn't that easy early-game, it's extremely easy mid-late game. As Singed, one of the things I try to do is to push my lane. This isn't usual for most champs. While farming, you can also easily harass whoever you're laning against. If they are playing extremely passively, you can slow them down with your W and then fling them into your poison trail for a lot of damage. Once you have harassed them enough to the point where the go back you can cut off the next minion wave that is past their turret, easily getting 6-7 creeps. Then when its safe, you can either steal their mini golems or wolves, depending on which side you're on.
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Singed is a great tank that can deal a decent amount of damage. He is often played by many Pro players, such as Dyrus (Top player for TSM), HeavySkillShot (Best Singed player EU West) and many others. With his slow and fling, he makes a great champ to single someone out of the fight to be focused. "When in doubt, pick Singed."
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iGOAT
iGOAT Singed Guide
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Unique Solo Top Singed Guide!! (Dyrus Inspired :D)

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