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Thresh Build Guide by The King Wavy



Updated on March 2, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The King Wavy Build Guide By The King Wavy 37 5 116,490 Views 0 Comments
37 5 116,490 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The King Wavy Thresh Build Guide By The King Wavy Updated on March 2, 2018
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WTF is wrong with me? (is what you're asking)

Full attack speed Thresh isn't really what you, or I thought it is. I build this in a game because I wanted play Thresh off of his E passive, as technically it keeps stacking as the game goes on, and is around 150 mid-late game, which means your autos deal an additional 150 magic damage. Now, this is the key. This build will do a lot of mixed damage, so it is damn near impossible to build against.


Because Thresh has a build in buff to his basic attack, if one were to boost that ability, how well would it go?


Stay in late as much as possible so that you can collect as many souls as possible. Build items that give your AA magic damage on-hit power. Get a ton of attack speed so this effect is extremely magnified.


Early Game:
Early game was OK. It just felt like an average Thresh top game. I really didn't do any damage until I bought Nashor's Tooth.

Mid Game:

Mid game was not so hot. From the space between Nashor's and Rageblade, there is a significant dip in skirmishing ability. Stick to farming and stacking your AA.

End Game:

End game was borderline ******ic. You would deal around 600 mixed damage per auto to not just minions but champions, and this is with no crit. As your auto stacks, it increases your AP which in turn increases Nashor damage, so there is a nice power multiplier there. At full build you are able to literally 1v1 anybody, tank, adc, assassin, and win.

Where can this be played?

I believe this works Top, Mid, or ADC
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The King Wavy
The King Wavy Thresh Guide
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