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Ability Order
Living Vengeance (PASSIVE)
Varus Passive Ability
My hopes are that this build attracts people to the champion varus, and helps get people away from the most common of AD carrys. If you have any questions please feel free to message me in game, add me, or even visit my website and sign up for our tournaments and win awesome prizes!
The runes i use are chosen to win the bottom lane. The armor and magic resist provide plenty of defence in order to make big enough exchanges that you, as varus can get kills on bottom with blight procs. The magic resist runes also scale well into late game, making you decently survivable as compared to most ad carrys. The Damage runes are a must, making CS that much easier for you to obtain. The only variation fo this build on runes that i run, is with Movement quints instead of damage quints. i rarely do this build, but when i do i play it like i am a kog maw, maximizing damage and movement capabilies.
Start with boots and 3 pots, as always for an AD carry. If you are bottom team, always try and kill golems, granting you level 2 as soon as possible. From here, if you happen to get a kill, or just do well in farm, rather than buying a BF sword even if i have 1650 gold early in the game, i prefer to buy double dorans, full boots, and lifesteal. It gives you a solid foundation, with health, sustainability, and damage. From there a Zeal and my signature, an elixir of agility to grant increased attack speed and critical strike chances. Doing this makes you a terror in lane and will easily let you slice through enemys if played correctly. The early game use of varus that i do, is really the only unique thing i have to offer, after this its a typical ad carry build with a BT, PD, LW, and GA.
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