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Team Work
Nami:When nami gives Tidecaller's Blessing then vayne get's momvent speed from Nami's passive which stacks with Vayne's passive, and 3 slow hits that stacks with her 3 hit of Silver Bolts
Sona: When sona use her spells all help Vayne in many cases, like when sona use Song of Celerity it stacks with her passive and when sona use Hymn of Valor then Vayne gets dmg which also help her and for last Sona's Aria of Perseverance then Vayne gets armor and mr the true with vayne is that she dont want so much dmg the only 2 things that Vayne needs is Critical and Attack Speed
Lulu:Lulu's harrass can help Vayne farm while Lulu is busy harrassing enemy who counter Vayne like Caitlyn, Whimsy helps Vayne with her passive still if Vayne is in trouble Lulu is the champ that can save a adc or apc in 1 sec
Graves:Graves is the most tanky ADC which is good for a Vayne but also Graves has low range spells but highly burst dmg that can make vayne be terminated
Caitlyn: Caitlyn is insta zoning and pushing lane she doesnt allow Vayne to farm so Vayne remain useless in late
Ezreal:Ezreal as Caitlyn can zone u so hard that u have extreamly low farm
Varus:Varus like Caitlyn ,Varus has high range and if Varus Chain of Corruption catch Vayne then she is dead
-Extream highly and easy dmg with Vayne because of her Silver Bolts
-Easy terminate tanky enemies with her Silver Bolts and Blade of the Ruined King
-highly mobile the best champ for mechanics
-Doesnt need protection from supp only if she got extreamly hard focus like Vi or WW
-Easy to get countered on early
-She need hard attack speed
-Weak laning phase
-low range
-If u miss Condemn then enemy can easily escape
Doran's Blade Berserker's Greaves Blade of the Ruined King
Statikk Shiv Trinity Force Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Last Whisper
Banshee's Veil Guardian Angel Mercurial Scimitar
Blade of the Ruined King Berserker's Greaves - Furor Statikk Shiv Last Whisper Infinity Edge Banshee's Veil
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